Day 9 - Broken Bones

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'Is that all you've got Deku!?' Bakugou yells as he sets of small explosions off in his palms. 'Of course not Kacchan!' Midoriya yelled. He powered up OFA and bounced off the wall aiming at Bakugou. Katsuki dodged to the right as Midoriya spun for a kick. He hit the ground with a thud before boosting again. Bakugou let off an explosion more powerful than he intended to as Midoriya was blasted into the cliff. Bakugou could hear the sickening crunch of bone and knew that something was wrong. 'Deku?!' Bakugou yells as he ran to where Deku was laying on the ground. He fanned away the residual smoke and debris. 'Fuck...' Midoriya whined under his breath as he pulled his leg up to his chest, softly. He had his eyes clenched shut and his back was facing Bakugou but Katsuki could tell that it was serious when Midoriya didn't respond to him. 'Deku? Are you okay?' Katsuki calls out. 'Just give me a minute...' Midoriya mumbled as Bakugou sat down beside him. 

Bakugou first noticed the blood. It covered Midoriya's leg and was seeping onto the ground below him. The next thing he noticed was bone. Wait! Bone?! 'Fuck...' Bakugou muttered under his breath. The bone was sticking out from his leg. That explained all the blood but what the fuck does he do? 'Kirishima! Grab the first aid kit!' Bakugou yells out, getting Kirishima's attention. 'Someone else call an ambulance!' Bakugou yells. 'I've got it!' Sato yells. Kirishima runs to the hall while Bakugou rolls Midoriya onto his back. 'Hey Deku... You broke your leg. Just stay still' Bakugou comforts. 'I'm fine Kacchan. It barely hurts' Midoriya says as he shuffles slightly, hissing at the pain. 'That's the adrenaline. It'll wear off soon and you'll feel the pain' Bakugou says as Kirishima comes running up to the duo with the first aid kit. 'Here Bakugou! What happened?' Kirishima questions. 'Look away if you're squeamish. Deku broke his leg' Bakugou warns as Kirishima looks over at Deku. Kirishima sees the bone and begins to panic. 

'Is his-?!' Kirishima panics. 'Yes! Shut the fuck up!' Bakugou growls as Kirishima sits beside him. 'Just remain calm. Deku doesn't know how bad it is' Bakugou whispers. 'Okay. I'll try. What do you want me to do?' Kirishima whispers back. 'Just sit beside him and keep an eye on him. The adrenaline should be wearing off soon and he'll probably go into shock' Bakugou explains and Kirishima moves so he's sitting beside Midoriya's head. 'Hey Mido-bro, how are you feeling?' Kirishima says softly. 'A little bit sore' Midoriya says. 'Yeah, Baku-bro said you broke your leg' Kirishima says. 'It's fine, I'll just walk to Recovery Girl and get her to heal me' Midoriya says as he tries to push himself upright. Kirishima quickly pushes him back down while Bakugou holds his leg down. Kirishima watches as Midoriya's face twists in pain as he lies back down. 'You can't walk on a broken leg Mido-bro' Kirishima smiles. 'Yeah... Maybe I'll just wait here' Midoriya mumbles.

Bakugou quickly unzips the first aid kit and grabs a pair of gloves. He unwraps them and pulls them on before rummaging through the first aid kit. He grabs cotton, bandages, and gauze. He carefully wraps the cotton around the jagged end of the bone. He watches as Midoriya shivers under his hands. He carefully places gauze around the bone and applies pressure. Midoriya whines at the pain as tears fill his eyes. 'Adrenaline starting to wear off Deku?' Bakugou questions. 'It fucking hurts Kacchan...' Midoriya whines. 'I know Deku. Just hold on' Bakugou says as everyone waits in silence. Kirishima watches as Midoirya's face pales and his breathing quickens. 'Bakugou... I think he's going into shock' Kirishima says urgently. 'How are you feeling Deku, talk to me' Bakugou says. 'I- I'm cold. My heart-. Dizzy-' Midoriya mumbles. 'Shitty Hair, check his pulse while I grab the emergency blanket' Bakugou says as he pulls his hands away from the gauze, watching carefully to make sure the bleeding has stopped. He grabs the emergency blanket and carefully pulls it over Midoriya as Kirishima puts his fingers up to Midoriya's neck. 'It's really slow and weak' Kirishima quavered. 'Come on Deku. The ambulance shouldn't be too far away' Bakugou comforts as Midoriya's eyes begin to roll back. 

Midoriya takes a shaky breath before he faints. 'Shitty Hair! Help me roll him onto his side! Be careful of his leg' Bakugou cautioned. Bakugou stabilizes his leg as Kirishima rolls Midoriya onto his side. 'Is he okay?' Kirishima questions. 'He will be fine. He just lost consciousness from shock and pain. Can you loosen his hero costume around his neck and pull his gloves off?' Bakugou questioned. Kirishima pulls Midoriya's gloves off and throws them off to the side. He gently removes his mask and unzips Midoriya's hero suit so it's not so tight around his neck. 'The ambulance is here Bakugou' Kirishima says as he spots the paramedics rushing towards them. 'Come on, let's give them some space' Kirishima soothed as he placed a hand on Bakugou's shoulder. 'Yeah, we should probably go find Aizawa' Bakugou says as they step away to let the paramedics help.

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