Day 10 - Eye Injury

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'Ready Mina?' Midoriya questions. 'Of course! Bring it on Mido!' Mina yells with a smile. Midoriya makes the first move quickly powering up and launching into the air, aiming an air force shot at her. He flicks sending a powerful wave of energy straight at her but she slides to the left with her acid. Midoriya lands on the ground gracefully before forcing blackwhip towards her. It wraps around her and hold her high in the air as she squirm. 'Admit defeat!' Midoriya beams proudly. 'Never!' Mina says as her skin begins to glisten and she slips through blackwhip's hold and slides to the ground. 'Whoa! That was so cool!' Midoriya fanboys as Mina quickly pulls herself together. 'I've been working on different types of acids!' Mina yells across the field. Midoriya smiles before launching himself at her while she's distracted, hoping to catch her off guard. 'Eep!' Mina squeals as she launched a wall of acid above herself to try and stop him. 

Midoriya quickly shoots an air force shot at the wall of acid causing it to spray everywhere. He quickly tries to cover face as his lightning begins to fizzle out and he falls to the floor. 'Bad idea!' Midoriya says as he covers his eye. 'You okay Mido?' Mina yells as she comes running over. 'I got acid in my eye' Midoriya says as he rubs at his eye. 'Don't rub at it! That will only make it worse!' Mina says as she grabs his arm. Midoriya blinks and looks up at her through watery eyes. 'It hurts' Midoriya says as Mina helps him up. 'Come on, we need to go flush it out' Mina sighs as she pulls him quickly towards her bag. She pulls out a bottle of water as he sits down. Mina gently pulls his eyelids apart and pours a gentle stream of water into his eye. Midoriya wipes at his face watching the red tinted water smear across his hand. 'Why is it red?' Midoriya questions as he tries to blink while Mina holds his eye open.

'It's blood, don't worry though hun' Mina explains as Midoriya lets out a small hum. 'Can you reach my phone in my pocket?' Mina questions as Midoriya pats the side of her to find her phone. 'Got it!' Midoriya says when he finally manages to pull it out. 'Siri! Call 111' Mina says loudly. 'Calling 111' the phone replies as Mina holds it up against her shoulder. '111, What's your emergency?' The lady says when the ringtone stops. 'Hi! We're UA students and we were sparring and my partner got acid in his eye' Mina explains. 'Yes, we are washing out his eye with clean water' Mina says when the lady starts asking questions. 'Midoriya Izuku, 17, left eye, no other obvious injuries, PH level 2?' Mina says. 'How you feeling Mido?' Mina questions looking down at the small boy. He was wet and shivering slightly. 'It's not painful anymore' Midoriya replies as Mina stops pouring the water. 

Midoriya blinks a few times. 'One of the paramedic cars are going to come check on you' Mina says. 'It's really blurry' Midoriya says. 'Keep blinking, It should go away' Mina says as Midoriya squeezes his eyes shut. 'It's not going away' Midoriya says starting to panic. 'It's okay Mido. The paramedic shouldn't be too far away' Mina says softly as she rummages through the first aid kit. She pulls out a gauze and holds it over Midoriya's eye carefully and bandages it over his eye. 'Isn't this a little excessive?' Midoriya questions. 'If there is any acid left, the gauze will stop your eye from moving around so much and spreading it' Mina explains as they sit on the bench and chat until the paramedic arrives.

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