CH-7 Mr.Smirky is smart too

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Yesterday night I needed to inform so many things, needed to do so many works.......            


 The next three days passed very slow. Everyone was still talking about the incident in the canteen. But when Friday came, everything seemed ok, unsurprisingly there was new gossip spreading around, I was grateful for it.

I was going to my Maths class; I entered the class it was almost empty. I took out my advanced maths textbook and started solving questions, as I had already completed the previous book. I could see Mr. spike finally entered. Once he had explained the topics, he gave some questions and the class started groaned and I just rolled my eyes. As I was just about to write I heard, "Sophia, can I have a word outside please?" from Mr. spike.    "is everything ok sir?" I asked feeling a bit tensed. I never get called out, ever. This was first and I really didn't need anymore trouble to enter my life. I didn't think I deserved even more weight on my shoulders.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  "of course, Sophia, you are not in trouble! Ah well, since you have aced the math exam and you are sitting in my class not learning anything new, the department and I have decided to move you to the advance math course. We know you will do excellent there," he clasped his hand together enthusiastically. Wow. Okay I didn't expect that. I was so shock and excited.                                                                                                                                                                                

"Are you serious?" I asked with wide eyes. "Dead serious, so grab your things and get out," he said smiling. Once I had my books, I started my way towards my new class. I knocked at the door to my new class, I am so nervous that my palms are sweating.                                                                         "Come in," I heard a deep make voice. Once I opened the door I came to the sight of a full class of about 30 students and all were staring at me. "Ah, you must be Sophia Williams, right?" the man who is the teacher asked. "Yes, that's me," I replied politely.                                                           "well, nice to meet you miss, my name is Mr. Johnson and I will be you math teacher for rest of the year, please take the seat left in the class one next to Drake.                                                                                                              

"Ok sir I replied".

 WAIT... DID HE SAY DRAKE?!! as in sense Drake Night?  I turned in the direction he said,                      Drake was sitting at the back casually, his green eyes looking straight at me. I didn't saw drake from past three day, I was actually kind of missing him.                                                                                    

 I didn't think wearing his black shirt he gave me, every night help me either. It wasn't like I was trying to keep a part of him near me; it was just a comfy shirt. That's all. I quickly walked and took the seat next to him.                                                                                                                                                  

I saw him smirk.     

i smirked back.                                                                                                

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