CH-9 So friends?

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" My name is Sophia Williams," I said confidently. 

They all looked shocked but quickly recovered it and looked at each other talking in the eyes. 

"sup," guy 3 said. Well, it wasn't the best response as they should know we aren't all going to become best friends in a few minutes. 

"This is Brant and Dylan," guy 3 introduced to guys 2 and 4. They had their arms crossed and then they just stared at me

I stared back.

They didn't back down, and neither did i

They narrowed their eyes.

I narrowed mine.

They unfolded their hand.

I crossed mine.

"Okay, we like her," they said simultaneously, with smiles that made their faces look so much friendlier. I wasn't getting glares or nasty looks anymore and the little tension in me dissipated.

"Awesome! high-five," I said cheerfully, full of hope, reaching over the table with my hand raised. Surprisingly they did give me a high five and even started laughing at my excitement at the same time. it felt oddly good and I looked at guy 3 to introduce himself and the last person( wait, I didn't see him first, maybe he was bringing food).

"And this is Tristan" guy 3 pointed, he was looking at me and searching for something, to be honest, he won't find anything ever, EVER!                                                                                                                                                                  He glared at me as he wasn't able to find anything, I slightly smirked and smiled innocently, he wasn't that sharp, after all. BUT need to tell him something to convince him.

"You won't find anything" I shrugged at Tristan. Now everyone was looking as I caught them. BUT ignored them and continued, "some years ago my brother died in a car crash and after that people just gave me pity, looking at my face so I just knew to block my emotions and not to show it," I said with a cold expression.

They all were looking at me with the thing I don't want- PITY.             'I don't want your fucking pity, pack it and throw it, in the dustbin' I gave them a death glare, and again they looked shocked. 

Wow, it feels like, Today is 'Shock and surprise Day' YAY!

A lump formed in my throat as I looked at all of them, one by one, their walls came crashing down and the emotions I saw hit me with force making me lean back in my chair as I closed my eyes. I am not the only one who is hurting and then covering it up.

For some reason, I want to make them feel safe and protect them.

"So does that mean we are all friends?" I asked nervously. What if they say no?? What if it is too soon? I just knew that if the answer would be no, then I know I would have lost a group of guys that may just be the only people I can open up to.

God! why I am so dumb?

There was nothing but silence.

More silence.

"Hell yeah," everyone said together. I jumped from my seat in excitement.

"I can see your amused faces, now stop staring," I said to everyone and then heard the noise of a ringing bell, which means break over.

They gave me a bear hug and went to their classes, I and Drake were going together. "you, looked cute, while jumping," I could see the teasing grin in his eyes. Now that was something cheesy but still made my cheeks red.

"Oh, umm, thanks," I replied and went rushing inside the class to avoid his adorable smirk.

I turned to look at him, laughed at him, and entered the class.

I rolled my eyes to hide my embarrassment. 

Today was an awesome day. 





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