CH 10- Her past (Part 1)

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Sophia's pov- (surprise-            kidding) 

You know sometimes I think that at least someone should know everything about me, but it can't happen. I have a lot of secrets and if it opens them, not only me but also my friends will be in danger. I am gonna tell you something about me.

 Today is Saturday and I am sleeping in my comfy bed, finally, after so many years,s I can sleep nicely. It 10:It'sam and I don't want to get up. Today I smell so nice that I can't describe you. I started moving inside the bathroom, I did my daily routine and went down to eat something, after eating I checked my laptop to check the e-mails, I asked for a job in a nearby café, they said that they will email me, so here I am checking my email. 

I checked my email, 'APPROVED'

I was so happy that I am approved to work. Some of the emails were from college and some from youtube and some for promotions. Lastly, I left with one email, and when I open it, I started panicking. No way not again. It was an email from— 

                                           TO: Dear Sophia,                                                                                     I have to tell you something, it's very urgent.                                                                     "Eh know grew our rea"                                                                                                 Meet me at that place on Wednesday at that time.                                                                                                                    -J                                                             

SHIT! IT CAN'T HAPPEN... My head is paining and I needed to take a rest. I was going to take a step when I heard the ring of the bell. When I opened the door I saw my pro girls, with so many shopping bags. I let them in.

 They kept the shopping bag down. "We have a lot to discuss soph, come on the spill," Kaise said directly. "well she will tell, but first let's go to her bedroom," Maria said politely. "hmm, let's go," Thaila said but I know it more sounded like forced talk, I knew something is wrong with Thaila, because of something, she has been tensed, I can sense it, but I will find out. 

"ok girls, let's go." We walked to my room then we settled down in my bed. "Soph, we were really worried about you when you went with that drake yesterday. If he tried to do something wrong with you, I will cut him into pieces," Maria said. Maria is a peaceful girl but when she is angry, she uses such type of language and action that people will get a heart attack. "Yes, and will freeze him in the freezer," Kaise said. "Aw, you guys!" I grinned before rushing over 3 of them and squeezing them into one massive bear hug. "you guys are the best!" I said with a huge smile.                                                                                                                  The 3 looked at each other with a big grin and I started to laugh as they simultaneously said, "we know". Then kaise went to the bathroom. "oh and soph?" I heKaiseaise said from the bathroom. "yeah?" I asked. "nice shirt but hope you are wearing something underneath it," Kaise teased with a wink. Then I saw Thaila and maria smirking on the bed and wiggling their eyebrows. "Yeah, and when you hugged us, it sure as hell didn't smell like you......Quite a masculine scent there soph, "maria giggled. 

"Now please don't say that you did something in this bed, oh yuck, I won't sit here,"                                                                                                   I can sense she is tensed for something but still smirking at me. I looked at Drake's shirt and felt my face heat up. "I ... oh... shut up! I am wearing shorts underneath and I haven't done anything on my bed and I still have my V card saved, and this is Drakes's shirt, he gave me at college when Jessie threw her food on me," I said grabbing a pillow and throwing it on three of them. This shirt is the reason, that I could sleep so well. They said that they need to go now and told me that next Friday we would have a sleepover for only girls and I need to tell them about all the things that happened to them. I am now sleeping and thinking about my life when I heard my phone ring, I picked up, "hello" I said.                                                                                                                                  "I wanted to tell you that I have got some information about THALIA WILSON" the person replied. "Yeah tell me what was the reason, she came here and anything suspicious 2 years back?" I asked him. I wanted her to tell us but knowing her she won't. I also know that this is wrong but I don't know what I will learn about Thai today. "She had a boyfriend who cheated on her with her friend, so it was said that after that the soft Thaila was not there, she didn't trust anyone and started beating people if she gets angrier and I could only know this much" h,e said.                                                                                                                "it's enough, thanks, no need of more information," I replied and end the call. I knew she was hiding something but why she didn't tell anyone. Doesn't she trust us? I need to confront her. I need to make her believe that she can share things with us, we won't break her trust. I knew when we first met her it was like.


"you asshole, how dare you to touch me without my permission" we heard a voice from the locker area. We ran towards that side and saw that a girl kicked a boy in his main part. That boy still was so stubborn that he hold that girl and slammed her in the locker and we knew we needed to help her, Luke went running and started punching that idiot guy. Finally, that idiot went holding his main part. Luke asked the girl if she was ok, then she nodded. We went near her and asked her name. she looked at us as if she was examining us and she replied " I am THALIA WILSON, and I am new here, it's my 3rd day "We all nodded and introduced ourselves. She wasn't so friendly but eventually, we started sitting together for lunch then hangout, etc. We became good friends. 

Flashback END-

So that's the reason, she wasn't friendly at first. BUT still, I think it's not the full story, THALIA YOU NEED TO TELL US NOW EVERYTHING. You can't escape, I will help you as much as I can but, I hate that you hid this from us.






Hey, the next few chapters are about thaila and Luke;)

So what do you think, why didn't that tell them?

if you like it then



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