Ch 36: Secrets destroy's trust

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3rd person POV- (after 2 days)

Sophia was going through internal battles. After so many years, she had an anxiety attack. 

"I am once again heartbroken, scared, I am worried, I feet weak, and I have no idea how I am ever going to come up with the strength. But I just close my eyes and take a blind leap. I knew I have to get out of here."  


Boys become cold during these two days, they only smile when they are with Cathy or Avery. Brant was watching everything with a satisfied smirk. He knew his plan was working. All the boys had different things running in their minds, deep down everyone wished maybe, maybe Sophia hadn't killed their uncle but she accepted it.

Kayden was now starting to think if he deserved this family. No one wanted him even his parents.

Tristan was feeling disgusted, he thought 'Is being gay so bad that people think of him as a disgrace?'

Dylan was again going through Nightmares, he was scared of being deeply attached but still, he became with Sophia and now he was hurt and alone, he had no one. He thought his father was correct, he is worthless and no one will ever love him or stay with him. Dylan's panic attacks were back, he was scared of getting hurt.

Dean was angry at himself and more at Sophia. He hate her for killing his uncle but he also knew something about Brant that he was hiding. Dean knew it was time for Drake to handle his uncle's business.

The boys had already completed their studies so it was no big deal for them to leave school.

Drake on the other hand was feeling nothing, everything was too overwhelming. He lost his father a few years ago and now his uncle, a father figure for the boys and him. He was trying to think and understand everything but Brant's world kept repeating in his head "Sophia was only using you, she was a gang leader. Why do you think she just showed up after years to become our friend and not at that time? She played with your feelings, she killed our uncle and now she wants to kill the people you loved the most to make you weak. She knows your weaknesses and is using them. You did well by yelling at her. She deserves worst than this."
Was she using him? Drake thought.

How can he like someone like her, he was blinded by Sophia's words, he even gave less time to his gang after meeting her. She was making him weak, he used to be the ruthless gang leader and now he was crying like a little kid.

Drake was thinking about it and everything, it makes sense now he thought. Sophia is nothing but a spy and she deserves the worst for the way she treated his family.

Sophia, I will be the one to kill you and I promise I will hurt you more than you caused me, my family, and my brothers.


Sophia's POV -

Everything is my fault, he was Correct, I deserve everything, because of me, Aid lost his life and now Tris and Kayd hate me. Dylan my most beloved friend looks tired and broken because of me. He said Correct, I was the main reason they died., I deserve all the bruises he gave me.

Breath Sophia breath.

The door opened and Brant entered with a smirk, Drake liked to see me getting tortured mentally, Brant being the best at this job, Drake appointment him to mentally torture me and it's working.


"Tsk tsk tsk aww poor Sophia, are you hurt?" he asked laughing.

I didn't reply nor did I look in his eyes. Suddenly a pain shot in my head, I looked up to see an angry looking Brant with a hold of my hair in his fist.

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