Ch 38: Out of the frying pan into the fire

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Sophia's POV:

I walked out of that house. 

I want to leave as soon as possible but I can't forget them. After so many years they were the reason I laughed and they were the reason I cried. 

Leaving this place is hard but leaving here is suffocating.

I ignored the stares I was getting from people and walked towards the mafia warehouse. 

My whole body was shivering from the cold, I had wrapped my legs so that people won't doubt me.

I was passing by the alley when I heard whimpers and them a scream. 

"BITCH, she bit me!" I had my back facing the wall and slowly moved my head to see the situation.

My eyes went wide looking at Nolan's second hand.

He held a fistful of a girl's hair, while she was trying to remove his hand. He was standing with three more people. I looked to my opposite side to see a small shop, I ran towards it.

"Sir, can I get your phone. Is important. Just 1 call" I begged him, he looked at me and nodded.

"Thank you"

I quickly dialed J's number. It ringed but ended.

" uh, God! please pick up the call. pick up!"

I again and again tried.

On the Sixth attempt, he picked the call "This better be important"



Sophia's- normal


" J, it's me," I said breathlessly.

"Oh my god, Sophia, I called you a thousand times, but it was unreachable! I was scared, how could you do this!?"

"I am sorry J but Drake kept me in a cell and many more things happened, at last, they all got to know the truth and I killed Brant"

"That piece of shit did what!? I will kill him. And I am happy you killed That backstabbing traitor" 

"NO J you won't kill him, they are already in an ocean of guilt. I have something important to tell you-

I heard-


"Soph, what is happening, where are you!?"

"Soph, you okay? SOPH"

"Uh, yeah, I am fine, Nolan's 2nd hand is holding someone. I am currently in, I looked at the board and said xxxxxxxxxxxxx locations."

"J I have a bad feeling-


"J wait for a second, I feel like I know heard this voice somewhere"

I walked a little closer trying to hide my face.

"How far will you run? your parents sold you in place they asked for 50 million dollars. Boss will be angry if I come empty hand"

The girl turned her face and I felt my eyes widen.

"J this is Darcy, The girl I talked to you about"

" Sophia I am coming there with jet, right now"

"I have a feeling, J bring backup" 

"I need to end the call now and remember If something ever happened to m-

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