CH 27: Dickhead Nolan

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Sophia's POV-

It was lunchtime and I walked towards my locker to see Drake standing there. I walked up to him but I don't think he realized I was there so I gave a light cough which finally caught his attention as he was startled. I smirked at his reaction when He looked at me in surprise. But then again gave one of those heart-stopping smiles and I once again forgot how to breathe. The smile naturally returned.

"Hi" he grinned, he looked like a little boy who got what he wanted.

"hey," I smiled shyly as I realized he was waiting for me at my locker.

"Want to have lunch together?" he asked looking down at me. I guess he didn't beat around the bush. 

"Yeah sure," I answered, putting my books in my locker as he moved for me to do so. I am sure my friends won't mind, yes?

My eyes widened further as he tugged on my hand, leading me towards the canteen as if it was the most natural thing known to man. Which it felt like our hands fitted perfectly.

"I experienced a weird thing yesterday night Sophie," Drake started, as we walked into the canteen, ignoring the looks we were getting as they stared at our intertwined hands. It was pretty clear Drake didn't care as he talked to me as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.

"And what was that Drake?" I asked curiously as we waited in the lunch queue. 

"It was the strangest feeling, I.....missed you," he smirked, looking into my eyes as they widened in surprise at his confession.  

"Aww is it so, world's ruthless gangleader is missing this ordinary no value person," I said, paying for food and walking towards the guys but a hand-pulled me-

I looked at Drake, his eyes were darker and it seemed he was angry. I looked at him confused, he hold my hand and growled "Never in your life you will think like this about yourself and you are far more than no value to me. I don't ever want to hear you talk about yourself like this or you will get punishment"

My heart swelled, I hugged him and he hugged me back. 

"umm, Drake what does that punishment means?" I whispered in Drake's ear.

He looked at me and smirked "Many things that a girl and a boy can do Sophie" 

This time I shivered but walked toward the guys.

"hey, soph!" Dylan greeted, with everyone joining in with their forms of greeting.

"Hey, guys, what's up?" I asked, sitting down with Drake beside me, letting go of my hand to allow me to eat my sandwich.

I didn't miss the sudden urge to keep holding his hand, to have some sort of contact so I pressed my leg against him slightly but I just ignored him otherwise I would start to blush.


'Today fight at 6 pm with the night' 

I checked my phone to see my manager's massage updating about tonight's fight.

"So we are planning on going out tonight," Tristan informed me, his black-haired fringes covering half his eyes. Girls were looking at the boys as if they were some sort of sweets and glaring at me.

"where are you planning on going?" I asked him, taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"Underground fighting," Dean said and gave a little smile.

"Underground fighting?" I chuckled thinking about tonight.

"Why are you laughing?" Drake asked confused.

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