CH 25- Perfect day of my life

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Sophia's POV-

It was my first official date with Drake. I wanted to be looked the most beautiful girl for once in my life. I have never felt so nervous as I am feeling now. 

It may sound cheesy but,  I used the bathroom that day for more than one hour, and spent half an hour in front of the mirror to be perfect in every possible way.

I combed my hair almost 20 times and waited for his call. Perhaps there is a sign that I am falling hard for Drake. When I would think about him small smirk would come upon my face. Habits like talking with own self, reading his message, again and again, interpreting according to my perspective, checking my phone every 2 minutes, recalling all conversations with him, and standing for hours and hours in front of the mirror.

Love is not silence. Sometimes you have to accept certain things that can not be explained.

I knew I had a crush on him and I was not doing anything intentionally. Suddenly my phone rang up. I was ready and I opened the door.

I got frozen as soon as I saw him. He was looking handsome once again, He was wearing a black V-neck shirt and he had roses in his hands. He looked nervous too. Minutes went by loaded with silence.

He gave me the roses and smiled and once again I fell more for him.

"let's go," he said and I followed him.

He took me towards his black Lamborghini.  The moment he touched my shoulder, a swift charge again run through my whole body.

I was nervous as well as very excited. I was unable to talk anything and continuously gazing him.

But I pushed myself to start a conversation.

" so Drake have you decided something for Avery's birthday?" I asked him

"yeah and the left work boys are doing. Avery wants you to be the first one on her birthday" he Sayed with a loving smile.

"You should smile more often" I murmured but Drake heard.

"I will but only if you give me your real smile," he said.

Then I noticed we were going towards the forest. 

"Drake are you planning to kill me," I asked him.

"Maybe," he said with a chuckle.

Then he stopped the car.  He took the gun out and pointed it at my head. I looked at him in his eyes, which already told me that he didn't want to do this. He kept a blank face and tried to scare me but I being stubborn didn't react.

His face was close to mine for me to concentrate, so I closed my eyes to think straight.

Do I trust him with my life?


I didn't even have to hesitate about it and that scared me more than anything. I trusted no one except 'J', I could fully trust with my secrets, with my pain, with my thoughts. But Drake he was different. he could make me so angry, frustrated, happy, loved, confused and at the same time but when I was with him, just being with him, well.... for once it just makes me feel content. I'd smile, I'd laugh and I wouldn't feel like I shouldn't be.

The old Sophia would come out.

I liked that feeling, I did but If keeping secrets from them will keep them safe then I will take that risk.

"I trust you", I whispered, opening my eyes to see him searching my face, his eyes flashing with surprise as if he didn't expect me to say this.

"you do?" he asked his voice just a little above a Whisper.

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