CH: 23 Bonding

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Sophia's POV-

It was now the time for the game of the day. Mr. Hidsen our couch who is only 24 years, told us to meet him near the campfire but there was no sign of him, Kaise Kaise said he is young and needs his beauty sleep to keep himself handsome. 

suddenly, we heard the sound of a gunshot. Everybody ducked down to take cover, except the six of us who looked unbothered. Everybody was looking at us as if we were crazy.

I mean we could easily tell it was a fake shot. Then, out of nowhere, the fog started to rise, making it difficult for us to look at our surroundings. I could see a person walking towards us from the fog.

When the figure was out of the fog surrounding him, it was none other than........................ Mr. Hidse dressed up all in black with a hat. He had a hostler on him and a gun in his hands. He usually jokes around and tries his best to make us laugh. Tries. The girl just to get attention starts fake laughing or giggling.

"Got you kids!" He exclaimed and his eyes fell on us. "well most of you"

Everybody sighed in relief and got up. "So, if you guys are wondering why did that, then let me tell you. We are playing the game Mafia this evening," he said, shouting the last part. "You see, Mafia and Gun, Gun, Mafia............" he trailed while waving the gun in the air while grimacing but everybody seemed to have the second-hand embarrassment more than find it funny. like I said he tries.......

He cleared his throat awkwardly "OK then. , we will be playing the game of Mafia. I am pretty sure you guys know how to play this game but still if you don't know, well let me explain." He took in a deep breath. "there will be two types of players; villages and Mafia members. At the start of the game, each of you will be given a card on which your roles will be written. Your role should be a secret. There will be two alternating phases which are day and night. during the night, the villagers will be asleep and, The Mafia will decide who to kill. Then one day time, the survivor players should discuss among themselves and vote for the person they think is Mafia to eliminate that person. the game will come to an end if the villagers manage to kill the Mafia or when the mafia can kill half of the villagers."

"now everybody lies down forming a circle around here," he said motioning to the space around him. We all took our place on the ground. I was between Thaila and Drake. Luke was next to Thaila and the boys, I mean Drake's friends were seated next to him. Mr. Hidsen gave us our cards. "Look at your card but don't show anybody."

I hope I am not the mafia. I just want to sleep, I am tired after what I did last night.

I slowly turned my card and .........Dang, it.

Mafia was written in bold, red letters on the card. I just wanted to be an innocent villager who was sleeping.

You are not innocent in any way

I am I am not innocent. BUT, hey long time no see, you need to stop appearing randomly.

Oh, as I need to make an appointment for it

Ok, ok chill.

Let's hope I am not the only Mafia here. I laid down and waited for Mr. Hidsen to say it was night.

"ok. night time. The Mafia can choose who to kill." as soon as the word came out of his mouth I open my eyes and looked around, to see if anybody else is a mafia. just as I thought I was the only Mafia, your eyes fell on the beautiful, familiar green eyes watching me.

"You are a Mafia too?" I mouthed

he nodded and gave me a wink to which I just rolled my eyes. we stood up and decide who to kill.

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