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Y/N - Your Name
Y/L/N - Your Last Name
Y/L/I - Your Last Initial (for example, T)


The smell of pancakes and freshly cut fruit wafted through the air waking up a seven-year-old boy. He begrudgingly sat up in his bed pushing away the wavy brown hair blocking his Y/E/C eyes.

He trotted down the long narrow hallway while a little border collie pup followed after him eagerly wagging its tail. He soon reached the tall modern kitchen while a woman was flipping pancakes over the stove.

"Mom doesn't know I'm here, might as well wait." He quietly pulled out a tall bar stool at the kitchen table/counter patiently waiting for his mother to notice him as the puppy curled up into itself deciding it was a good time to nap.

As the woman turned to grab an egg she jumped at least ten feet in the air with a shriek upon seeing the still boy. "Apollo! Don't do that to me! You know I frighten easily." She panted trying to catch her breath while putting a hand over her rapidly beating heart.

"Sorry Mom, I didn't want to scare you while cooking." He earnestly replied fiddling with his pajama sleeve.

"Ignoring that you almost tried killing your mother, how'd you sleep?" She asked while placing one steaming pancake with diced-up fruit in front of Apollo.

He picked at the fruit before plopping a raspberry in his mouth. "It was good. Remember, school is letting us out early so you don't have to rush back to pick me up."

She laughed, "Of course I remember! I definitely won't forget this time." Memories of frantically calling the police at her son's school while he was playing Mario at Daniel's house a block away invaded her mind.

A few minutes of silence washed over them as they ate their breakfast. The sound of an alarm on the mother's watch pierced through the air making them swallow the last bits of the food. "You know what to do. Your backpack is ready and your clothes are spread out in your closet. I'm going to grab my files and wait for you by the door, okay?"

The boy nodded before hopping off the chair startling the puppy under him. He quickly apologized before making a B-line to his room. The woman put the dishes in the sink before walking to an office in the penthouse as the clicks of her heels were the only sound.

It was a vintage office with oak shelves holding many books that had intricate carvings along the wood. The shelves were so tall a ladder was propped up to reach the highest book. Papers and file holders were scattered across the desk while a leather wheeling chair was slightly ajar.

She breathed in the pine and orange aroma making her subconsciously smile. She picked up the papers, putting them neatly in a file holder and tucking them under her arm. The door softly closed as a frame holding a newspaper hanging to the door made a thud noise hitting the door behind her.


"I'm ready Mom," Apollo announced as he straightened out his button-up shirt for his uniform. Y/N smiled at her son before crouching down, giving him a kiss on his nose. "You are so handsome, my little musician."

They exited out of the large, expensive penthouse and entered the elevator talking about how each other's day will happen.


Pulling up to the private school Y/N leans over to face her soon in the back of the car.

"You have everything you need? Money? Lunch? Water? Homework?"

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