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Y/F/C - Your Favorite Candy


"Apollo, just come out already! Everyone is waiting for you!" You yelled to the closed door, holding up your camera.

Everyone else was waiting behind you, and to not seem suspicious on the holiday with their faces they dressed up as their stereotypical type of people. For example with Japan, he was dressed up as a karate master.

"No!" Apollo's muffled voice yelled out. China turned to you, only his white eyes being shown under his ninja costume. "What is he dressed up as anyways?"

You smirked. "I made a bet with him a year ago, and I won so I got to make his costume this year." You banged on the door once more.

"I swear Apollo, if you don't come out I'm selling your Amadeus sculpture!"

"You wouldn't dare!" You could hear the panic in his voice, most likely looking at the sculpture sitting on his desk right now.

"Oh I would! Don't try me young man." You threatened, smoothing out your costume to
keep it from getting it ruined.

For this Halloween, to go with Apollo's costume, you had a black robe on with a golden belt, with a grey white veil that fades to black at the bottom.

"No ladies and all gents, I present to you..." Apollo stepped out, wishing he was dead, wearing a white chiton with a gold belt like yours around his waist, a bow and arrow on his back, and holding a lyre. "Apollo the Greek god!"

Everyone laughed at the boy's miserable face along with you, because word play's funny you know?

After France was finished laughing he asked you, "Wait what are you wearing? You told us it matches Apollo."

"Yeah, for a second I thought you were dressed as La Llorona." Mexico piped up, fixing his sombrero so it wouldn't fall.

"No, I am Leto. The Titan goddess of motherhood and modestly and conveniently the mother of the god Apollo." You told them, making a pose while holding the young boy.

A knock at the front door made everyone look at the wooden slab. Apollo ran to go answer as you looked at your friends.

Friends? That's new. At first they were strangers.

"So Apollo's friend Daniel wants to come trick or treating with us. He also doesn't know about you guys so to him you are my doctor friends around the world. Got it?" They all shook their heads indicating they understood what you were saying.

"Hey Ms. Y/L/I! Thanks for letting me trick or treat with you guys." Daniel spoke in appreciation as he entered the room. He was dressed as an astronaut, but his steps halted as he saw all the people in the room. "Uh, who are you guys?"

"We are doctors from across the globe, we have worked with Y/N these previous days and decided to stay for the holiday." Britain said, making his accent stronger to make their alibi believable.

Daniel looked at Soviet's costume. "Wow, cool Michael Myers costume." To protect their faces they were the only ones who wore masks. You didn't want anyone to get offended by their flags and get them in trouble.

"All right now let's go steal some candy from willing people!" America laughed, picking up Daniel and Apollo before running out of the penthouse.


"A King sized Hershey candy bar!" Daniel shrieked in excitement. It had been a lucky street since you first came to this random neighborhood, the kids getting full sized candy from the beginning.

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