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Germany sat at his desk in the slightly dimmed room. The sound of the door knob turning made him stop his movements, yet continued as he recognized the familiar person who always tries to quietly get into his office all the time.

"I'm not going to do your work, Amerika." He spoke aloud to get his point across the stubborn country.

"Man, how'd you know it was me? Every time I come in your office as quiet as a fucking mouse you still know I'm here. And I'm offended that you think I came here just for you to do my work, G-money." America huffed in annoyance at getting caught, faking an insulted tone and placing his hand over his chest.

"I told you many times not to call me that foul nickname."

"Anyways, I want to talk to you about an idea I have."

Germany looked up from his papers. Any time America has an idea it ends in disaster. That's why UN banned giraffes in the building and hang gliders. "What is it that you want to discuss..?"

"Well, okay, hear me out: So I realized we've been working our asses off this past couple of years and we need a break-"

"Who is 'we', Amerika?" America's sweat dropped at the intensity of Germany's question. "Well-"

"Who is 'we', Amerika?" Germany repeated more harshly. America rubbed his neck smiling nervously at the angered country as more people piled into the small office.

Chile, Australia, Peru, Russia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Philippines, and Malaysia walked into the stuffy room.

"Russland? Why'd you agree with Amerika? I thought you hated him?" The tired country exclaimed at the sight of one of his closest friends with the person they hated most.

"I may hate the capitalist, but I unfortunately agree with him. The non-stop meetings, the mountainous paperwork, the shitty politicians we meet, I admit I am tired. Hell Germany, you haven't slept in at least three days." Russia confessed looking at his exhausted friend.

America dragged his arm over the taller person as the other tried to shrug it off. "See? Even one of the most stuck-up people in the world agrees with me!"

Germany rubbed the ridge of his nose feeling the upcoming headache. "Why did you even come to me with this... Idea of yours, Amerika?"

"Well, you kindaaaaa have the key to the room with the dope ass portal to head to the human world-"

"Nein. Nein, nein, nein. I'll even put it in English for you: No!" The Germanic country was honestly astounded that such a question was asked of him. "Das ist eine schreckliche idee!"

Chile then walked up to his appalled friend. "Alemania, my good amigo, I on my part am very sorry for the American halfwit. We will see ourselves out now." He then left with a hug and friendly pat on the shoulder to his friend as he tugged the insulted American out with the rest.

Germany slumped in his chair feeling drained from the conversation. He huffed before feeling around the desk for his favorite pen. An empty spot is what he met with making his blood run cold. The pen was right next to his land-yard. That held the key to the portal.

"Verdammte Arschlöcher." Was all he muttered before sprinting to the only reasonable countries left.


Japan fumbled with the buttons trying to figure out how to open the portal successfully instead of ending up in a completely different universe.

"Are ya almost done there?" Australia impatiently huffed tapping his foot. He was tired of the nonstop work and no matter how stupid his brother is he does have a point.

"Shut up! I'm almost done." Japan hissed as he scrolled through the numerous numbers on the computer screen.

Philippines looked around the room, seeing all of the world leaders as of now portraits on the walls. "This is so cool, I never really came in here to look around. Look! There's Rodrigo Duterte!"

The sounds of loud thumping were heard making the attempted getaway-ers sweat drop. You could faintly hear Australia faintly chanting 'hurry up' as Japan's speed increased at button pushing.

"Peru. Chile. What the hell are you doing?" Mexico demanded as he stepped into the room, large brown wings folding behind him indicating he possibly glided here to stop them before they did anything stupid.

The two South American countries gulp nervously looking at their enraged friend. "Well, you see Mexico, we are so tired from the work-"

"United States of Amérique! Australie! Why would you try to commit such a scandalous act?" France exclaimed looking at his two sons.

"Россия? Почему вы должны идти с капиталистом?" The voice of USSR rang through the room as he ducked under the doorframe to get into the room.

"Әкем! Түсіндіруге рұқсат етіңіз-"

"Co tu się dzieje...?"


"¿Cómo podrían ustedes dos ser tan estúpidos?"

"Enough! How many of us are in here?" Germany yelled, getting flustered by the overlapping conversations. He looked around to see Mexico, Peru, Chile, Argentina, America, Great Britain, France, Canada, Kazakhstan, Poland, USSR, Russia, Philippines, Malaysia, and China.

Germany mentally swore feeling his headache worsen. He recalled moments before it all turned into a shitstorm, but he swears there was one person left.....

"Guys! I got it!"

"Japan!" Was all Germany yelled before he was blinded by effulgence.


Chapter one done! I worked very hard and used a lot of my school hours to get this done. Hope you all enjoy it!

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