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"So, what's your name?" The tense, awkward silence was broken as Apollo looked up to the Canadian who shuffled from the intense stare.

"My name's Apollo." Was all he said before continuing his unannounced eye-staring contest with the elder Russian.

"We are learning about the Cold War in school right now. Today we learned about the missiles in Cuba." Soviet and America uncomfortably moved farther away from each other even though the great distance they had between them was still enough to fit five people.

Apollo moved his attention to Mexico, who started right back at him with the same intensity. "Could you please tell me how you all got here? Better yet, how did you even get into our house?"

Truth be told, he really wanted to ask how Mexico got the scar across his right eye and the anatomy of his wings along with the two other wing bearers but he thought about what his mother told him when he asked a man on the subway how he got an armful of horizontal scars.

"Many people have different scars that tell a story, and some want to keep that story to themselves. Sometimes that story is so sad no one wants to think about it again."

Mexico took a breath to explain before Britain cut him off and started to elaborate on the story. "In our world, there is a portal that leads to your world. We use it to meet political leaders of our respective countries. Sometimes when you press the buttons too much-" A glare was sent to the Japanese country as he chuckled sheepishly. "it spits us out randomly, thus bringing us into your home."

Mexico huffed in annoyance at getting cut off. "The portal is one way. The only way to open it is in our world. We have no way of communicating to our world and no one would really know that we're gone. The UN building in our world is under construction for a good one or two months. Friends and family think we will be on vacation if they notice we are gone."

Apollo nodded in understanding. "So basically, from what I'm getting, a portal to your world malfunctioned throwing you guys here and you all are stuck here for one or two months and have nowhere to go."

"B-B-B-Bingo! Give this boy a medal!" America exclaimed sarcastically.

Apollo narrowed his eyes at the fellow American. His mother taught him not to be sarcastic to people since it's seen as disrespectful, so someone else being disrespectful to him makes the boy question if he needs to be associated with him. "You guys can look around, I'll be in my room. The only place you shouldn't go in is Mom's office which is the second door on the right, she has important papers in there. I'll handle her when she comes home."

And with that, the countries looked around their temporary home while the human boy activated the cameras to make sure nothing was stolen.


You calmly smiled at the asylum patient. You were hired to consult with the woman to see why she killed her family since she wouldn't budge with the police. The police had apprehended her since she kept repeating 'it's coming out of their bodies, I had to.'

"Mrs. Cunningham, you do have to believe me, there was nothing there. What your husband told you were lies, and they stuck with you so much that you started to believe them. There was no demon in them, it's all fiction." You spoke softly to the trembling women.

"B-But what-t about-t-" The woman barely got her sentence out before bursting out in sobs. Your eyebrows furrowed in sympathy before getting out of your chair and patting the other's back. Your watch beeped telling you that the session was up.

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