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Italics - thinking or emphasis


You followed Russia, bumping into a few countries here and there. When you reach into his shared room you see Soviet trying to stop the bleeding and comfort his son.

Kneeling at the bleeding man you pointed at the door. "Out."

Soviet looked at you incredulously. "What? My son is bleeding and you want me to get out?"

"Yes. There's too many people and I need space to move and I think you're overwhelming him. So, out."

Soviet grumbled as his oldest son pulled him out of the room, both of their milky eyes glazing over at their blue son/brother.

As the door closed Kazakhstan raised a weak hand towards the door. "Әке, аға, мені тастамаңыз.  Өтінемін, қайталама...!"

You lowered his arm down shushing him. "Don't speak. It'll only make it worse."

"That sounds wrong if it wasn't for this situation." He chuckles softly then winced at the pain of moving.

It was when you pulled out a gauze, string, and a needle when you realized you don't know what the fuck you're doing. 'Shit.'


Soft footsteps echoed throughout the corridor. A series of shutting doors followed behind, it was completely silent.

A man dressed in a white suit looked at two rather large wooden doors. Hands folded behind his back he braced himself for the terrible migraine he's going to have to endure.

It wasn't silent anymore, instead muffled screaming was heard behind the closed doors. Oh dear, he could already feel the migraine forming.

Letting out a sigh that was probably his soul that died and was now flying away, he opened the door narrowly dodging a vase thrown at him.

"Sir! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didn't know it was you!" A woman shrieked, immediately going to help the man.

The woman swiped off the the dust from the vase of the man. He only calmly smiled at her. "It's okay, Belarus. I'm not sure if you threw that to actually hit someone, but if you didn't your reactions are getting quicker."

Before Belarus could answer another man grabbed hold of her shoulder and flung her aside completely disregarding her well-being.

"UN, sir! Where the hell have you been?!"  The man hissed, sunglasses hiding his eyes that were probably glaring at the overwhelmed organization.

UN raised a calm hand to him before walking to the head seat at the oval table. Many countries were there, talking or arguing with each other, playing or fighting with each other. "I'm just a minute late, NATO. Calm down, please."

As he sat in his seat he cleared his throat gaining the attention from all in the room. "Well, I think you all know why we're all here."

"I don't. I just came for food."

"Please don't interrupt me, Uruguay."

"Sorry for him, sir."

"It's quite alright, Brazil."

"Anyways, we are here to discuss the recent absence from a handful of our countries." UN finished, glancing at the empty seats. "Does anyone know where they may have gone?"

The shouting matched had stop, silence washed over the room. UN looked at the countries as they fidgeted in their seats.

His eye twitched. "So you're telling me, no one, not even friends and family, know where they went?"

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