
471 20 84

Warning: mentions of disorders


"Why am I watching you do this? This is stupid." Apollo grumbled from his bed, legs crossed under him and arms holding his bored head up.

"I thought you liked this?" America asked confused, holding Canada in a headlock with Australia sneaking up on him to whack him with a pillow. Australia freed Canada, stuffing Ame's face under the space-themed pillow cover while watching Apollo with equal confusion. "I thought you liked wrestling, kid?"

"But you're just beating up your brother."

"No, he's not! I'm getting a few good punches in, I'm beating him up!" Canada wheezed from the grip, pulling back his arm to jab his brother in the stomach with his elbow making both of them fall.

"You're getting beat up by him." The kid corrected, pointing his finger up like a lil nerd.

Aus let out a mighty yell, tackling Ame to the floor and giving him a furious noogie. "You asshole! You're ruining my hair!"

"It looked like shit from the very beginning!"

"I'm going to suffocate you in your sleep but I'm sure you'd like that, whore!"

Canada quickly scrambled away from his brother scuffling yet again, taking a breath of relief as he sat on Apollo's bed next to him. The two watched silently, not uttering a word.

Apollo watched America wrestling with a blank expression, his eye twitching every so often. A tall tale sign of his agitation, his swirling thoughts. He's angry. He's confused. He's annoyed. He's tired. He's pissed. He's upset.

He's concerned.

"Did you just fucking bite me?!"

"You can't prove shit!"

"Oh you fucking dog I'm telling! Y/N! Aus bit me!" America ran to you as you were conversing with friends and family in the living room. Aus ran after him, wiping his mouth and vehemently denying just like an annoying little sibling. Which he technically was in a sense.

Apollo shook his head in disappointment at the two grown men who were more childish than a literal child. He only snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Canada softly clear his throat.

Canada held a hand to his throat, swallowing painful gasps as he winced. Apollo grimaced in return, practically feeling the pain the man felt in his throat.

"Why do you let him do that?"

Canada turned to him, confusion building up. "Do what?" He asked, hoarsely.

"Beat you up. Like he's a bully. You never fight back."

Canada gently laughed, messing up the child's hair. "You'll understand when you're older. Or when you have someone like a sibling."

Apollo narrowed his eyes, scrunching his nose in annoyance. "But I don't understand. Explain it to me." He demanded, slapping the red hand away.

Canada's eyes widened in surprise before signing in defeat. "America is a very competitive man. He likes to win. He can't stand the thought of losing."

"But he needs to learn how to lose! He can't go his whole life bullying you!"

"But he also doesn't like to feel weak. He thinks losing equates to weakness. So he'll do everything in his power to win."

Apollo went quiet, eager to learn more about the sick man. "But... you should be respected!"

"Oh, I know he respects me." Canada chuckled.



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