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Opening your groggy eyes you hear Third softly snoring. The blinking lights on the clock flashed '1:37'. Germany must of put you to bed after you passed out. Feeling your throat dry you get to grab a glass of water.

"Почему ты не спишь?" You had to bite back a shriek but the jump was evident whoever said that caught you off guard.

"Jeez! Who said that?" You whisper-shouted. You look up to see the Soviet country sitting on the couch watching you with an expressionless face.

"Oh wow you scared me. How long have you been here? Did you even go to sl-"

"How do you have such tight relationship with your son?" He interrupted you, taking you by surprise.

"What do you mean?" You urged him. It's always good for one to let out their emotions, even when they don't want to.

"I use to have good relationship with all my kids, they loved me and I loved them. But now, they want nothing to do with me. With your son, he talks about you like you are superhero. How?"

You crossed over into the living room, sitting right next to where he was. "Well for one, being a parent is never easy. You don't know how many times I messed up with Apollo. There have been many times where he wouldn't talk to me for days. But whenever we are arguing, I always give him time to cool down so we don't say words we don't mean."

"Well, what do I do when I try to mend a already torn relationship? I have done things to them in past that I do regret dearly." He confessed, your already intrigued form started to get giddy from getting soaked up more into his problem and wanting to help. Also maybe later you should give him an English lesson.

"I'm pretty sure you already know this, I know a woman like you would be much smart in history, but the USSR was known for not having a lot food. With that being said, I couldn't feed my kids many times. And I have many kids." He looked back at you, seeing if you were listening to him or not.

No one wants to listen to him anyways. Why should you?

Everyone gets scared of the emotionless face, the tall structure, the deep voice speaking russian, the many scars, along with the star and sickle eyepatch.

So why aren't you running?

Easy. Because you're Y/N Y/L/N. Therapist extraordinaire, a friend to everyone, fantastic mom, and just a good human being in general.

"Is that it? It seems to me if they're just mad at you because you couldn't feed them, they don't know the whole story, more specifically your side." You said bewilderedly if that's truly just it.

"I mean, I was strict on them as they grew elder but I believe that is it." He sighed, rubbing his large red hand over his exhausted face. "I do not think I will be able to go to sleep after this. I am not tired that much."

You patted the couch around you to find the remote. "Well, If you don't sleep I won't either. I don't want you to feel alone. How 'bout we watch some of Apollo's old baby videos?" In reality you just wanted to show off your pride and joy.

In Soviets case, he felt touched that you would sacrifice the only couple of hours you have to sleep to be with him, to make sure he doesn't feel lonely. No one really made sure if he was okay, only his kids made sure when they were young and his comrades back in the day.

To make sure he wasn't in the mood to send them to their untimely death of course.

The TV turned on with a soft glow emitting through the room.

A video of baby Apollo was shown, you probably recording behind the camera. "Apollo, can you say mommy?"

Baby Apollo kept playing with his blocks. "Okay can you say mama?"

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