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Y/BF/N - Your best friends name

Italics - thoughts

Warning - cursing and sexual implications!


Slowly you stood up. "I can't catch a damn break. First my son letting random people in, then being drugged, almost bumfights, now a suspenseful ass knock on my door."

"I bet it's the fucking FBI ready to kick my door down for housing supposed illegal world leaders." You grumbled, your voice trailing off as you walked to your door.

America turned to Argentina. "When are we gonna tell her the FBI is real in our world and kicks down doors for the hell of it?"

You heard rapid knocking on the other side of the door when you approached it. "Alright, alright I'm coming! Hold your damn horses."

Ever since waking up to a hissy cat fight, you've been just a little irritated at everything that breathes. Hence the cursing.

You curse a lot when irritated.

Opening the door you see Daniel with a broad smile and your mood immediately improved.

"Hey Ms. Y/L/I!"

"Hey Daniel! Oh hey Robert!" Standing behind Daniel was his father, Robert Johnston, or AKA one of your best friends.

He was just a little shorter than you, wearing a blue spotted polo shirt and grey khaki shorts. His light brown hair was swept behind his ear, with his plastic glasses situated on his head. He was a little on the chubby side, but it didn't seem to bother him that much because he wore a exuberant smile Daniel inherited.

"Hiya Y/N! Daniel kept ranting on how much fun he had on Halloween so we decided to come visit. Are your friends still with you?"

"Yes they are, interested in meeting them?" You teased the man.

He sheepishly smiled with red ears. "Yes. Daniel said how the German one kept talking about science so that piqued my interest."

"Alright, come on in! Just a warning, there are a lot of them. And mostly all of them are intelligent, ripped me. So don't you dare try anything, I know you Robert." His face flamed even more. For all you know that he was still single after coming out gay to his ex wife, but you did hear he asked out the red head at his gym hes been ranting to you about.

And let's get this straight, (not him) when Daniel and Apollo aren't there, the jolly innocent man that he says he is gets replaced by the one who bluntly tells you all the men he fancies.

And there's a lot of them.

"How have you guys been? It's been a while since I've seen you." You asked, genuinely wanting to know what they've been doing.

"Well, Daniel keeps getting 100's on all his math tests and learned how to ride a bike recently-"


"-and my research is about to be wrapped up. Also, GMA wants us both to come in and talk about our discovery."

Back in highschool, you met that one introverted boy who loved everything about brains. Now, that boy is a wealthy man who helped you discover the nerve in the brain that made everyone happy.

"Daniel? Y/N? Who is this?" Britain politely questioned for all heads to turn to you. You turn to Robert who was practically foaming at the mouth focused on the thought of so many men surrounding him, completely disregarding their faces. Damnit I made it sound I called them ugly, which admittedly, they are not.

You looked down at Daniel. "Apollo is in his room finishing his homework." He immediately flashed you a smile before racing to his friends room.

Standing up you faced your roommates. "Everyone, this is my best friend Robert. He's Daniel's dad. If he flirts with you, don't slap him. That'll just make him like you even more and we don't want that. Just tell me and I'll beat him for you, I literally have hit him in the face every day since we met."


"Sooooo," Robert drawled out, sliding across the table to meet you. "why do you have so many hot role players in your penthouse? And why didn't you tell me?!"

"Role payers?"

"Their faces. Like, do they like to role play to their country or something?"

You stayed quiet, not sure how he'll react to why they're here.

Might as well just spill the beans. "Well, it turns out they are from another world that crosses to ours via portal and now they were dumped into my care because it isn't working. That's actually how they look like, the wings and all."

Robert stared off into space for a minutes before speaking up. "Wack."

That's it. That's all he said. 'Wack'.

You look at him in concern. He doesn't normally act like this. "You okay?"

"I'm just thinking about how awesome it would be like with the big red one-"

"Robert I swear to lord-"

"What?! Don't act like Y/BF/N is any better! They would probably make the American one wear cowboy gear and tie them up."

You sighed thinking about your other best friends antics. You and Robert both said in sync one of their famous catchphrases: "If you ever see a real like cowboy, please let me know. I will actually become sonic to dress up like a cow."


¡Hola amores! Sorry for the short chapter, it's much shorter than my other chapters. I've been having to crack down hard this week because my choir club is going school to school in the district for something I forgot.

I'm actually writing this while I'm on the bus.

This was kind of a crack/filler chapter, I haven't made a chapter like this. A lot of cursing and sexual innuendos, but sometimes that's how I roll.

Also, I see Robert looking like this when saying wack:

Also, I see Robert looking like this when saying wack:

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See y'all in the next (longer) chapter!

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