Family Meeting

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Calling a family meeting was my idea.

Harry and I had been back from Greece for over two months, and the news had still gotten out about me losing my first born before Mila. I hadn't told the media this news when it happened because Justin and I had split at the time and later both agreed not to say anything.

I knew from talking to Justin that he hadn't leaked the news to the media and I believed him, he has moved on. He was currently dating Hailee Baldwin, who had recently broken up with Shawn Mendes.

The family was gathered in the living room, the kids were being distracted in the cinema room of Mom's house.

"What is the point of this meeting?" Khloe asked as she sat down on the couch with a glass of wine in her hands. She was staying at mom's tonight clearly.

"The news of Patrick's death was released to the media recently as you all know. We agreed as a family not to release that information. I've already spoken to Justin about it and he said that he didn't release it because it was his son as well." I spoke, knowing that Harry was watching my every move.

He knew about the entire situation. I'd told him when he first started getting really serious, he had been supportive of it the whole time and when we got pregnant with Mila he continued to be supportive. While we were away we also talked about expanding our own little family now that we were together in matrimony.

"So what? You think one of us leaked the news?" Kim asked as she sat beside Kourtney who sat beside mom.

"As offended some of you may be, yes. I believe so." I responded as I finally sat down beside Harry, he placed a careful arm around my shoulders.

"What the hell? Why would we do that?" Khloe said

"I don't know, to bring back some media attention? You guys have been missing it I know that for sure." I said

"Media isn't what makes this family. Family makes this family." Kris responded

"Mom, we all know that family has it's flaws sometimes. But this news was not yours to release to the media. It was mine and Justin's when we believed the time was ready and at the time it was not good to release it." I looked at Kendall as I spoke, as soon as she realized I was watching her her eyes fell to the floor.

"Kendall?" Harry whispered as he looked at her, his sister-in-law. And close friend.

"I didn't mean to." I heard her whisper as she slowly gained the courage to look up at me.

It was a minute of silence before anyone responded.

"I think before you lash out at your sister, she had some good reasons possibly for why she leaked the information." Mom responded as she looked at Kendall with her eyebrows raised.

That was when it clicked.

"You knew, you knew she'd leaked the information but you didn't think to tell me the instant it was all over the media? How could you?" I said as I looked at my mother.

"I wanted her to tell you. She had to learn from her mistake and if I got involved I would have made it worse. This family is in the eyes of the media, and mistakes happen. But Kendall should not have released that information." Mom responded

"Well this just got interesting." I heard Scott whisper from beside Khloe who snorted as quietly as she could before seeing the glare she gained from me in response. Scott and Khloe were close, despite Kourtney having his kids, the friendship between those two were still iconic after him and Kourtney broke up. I still considered Scott family even though he wasn't dating my oldest sister.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to release the information of your firstborn. It wasn't my place to say, but I got drunk on a night out with some friends and they asked about your past relationships. I let it slip on a shot of vodka after a couple of whiskey drinks. I didn't mean to say anything to anyone, it just happened. Next thing I know, I'm hungover and reading the news the next morning to see my information all over the media." Kendall spoke as she looked at me the entire time.

I looked at Harry and he nodded his head, he knew that it was something I had to deal with.

"This family is the reason why I hate the media." I spoke as the others looked at me, Kim looked confused as she looked at Kylie who was sitting beside her just as confused.

"While we were gone, we talked about other ways we could benefit from being our own family." I spoke

"What does that mean?" Mom asked as she looked at Harry as well.

"We want the best start possible for Mila and any children we have in the future, but that can't happen if we have media constantly hovering over us and recording our every move." Harry spoke for the first time.

"So? What are you saying?" Scott asked

"We want out. It's nothing against you, it's the tv show. We want Mila to have a normal, happy childhood and not be critiqued by fans every time she goes out in the future or wears something she's not supposed too. I know that I wouldn't want that to happen to me either, but it did. I didn't have a choice when the first episode aired against my will. I'm making this decision for my daughter, for my husband, and for myself." I spoke looking at each family member in turn.

"What about the music?" Kylie asked as she looked at us.

"We will still follow our careers, but leaving the tv show will enable us to have a better future without so many cameras around all the time. Please, mom, I know this is hard but we want to do this. Our lives aren't private even though we want them to be especially since this should be a happy part of our lives." I spoke as I looked at her. Mom looked down,

"I don't know what to say." She responded

"We'll give you some time to think about our proposal and consider your options. Please accept what we have decided as we have accepted many of your decisions in the past. Now, we'll be getting Mila and heading home." Harry spoke as he stood up and held his hand out for me to take as well.

"Is this because of me?" Kendall asked as we were heading towards the door.

"It's not just that Kendall, it's everything else. I still love you, but I need time." I responded as I looked at her before walking out of the room and not looking back. Knowing full well that they were going to be talking about it for awhile.

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