Kris and Bruce Announce Their Divorce

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In the latest episode of Keeping Up With the K's, Kris and Bruce Jenner announced to their entire family that they were getting a divorce

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In the latest episode of Keeping Up With the K's, Kris and Bruce Jenner announced to their entire family that they were getting a divorce. And Kenna, their first daughter in their marriage didn't react well. 

She first sat there on the couch between Khloe and Rob as their parents announced they were getting a divorce. After the divorce was announced no one really spoke for five minutes before Khloe spoke first. 

After ten minutes of getting answers out of Kris and Bruce about their sudden decision to get a divorce, Kim announced that they had found Kenna's driver who hit into her car going faster than the speed limit, causing the girl to be in a coma for a month. Kenna stormed out, not really wanting to know what had happened. The camera's caught a glimpse of Harry arriving at the Jenner house and walking up the stairs to Kenna's room, but the cameras didn't film in there as Kenna dislikes having cameras in her own bedroom. 

Kim announced who the man had hit into Kenna's car was. They had found out that it was a man two weeks ago but had not yet found the description that fit the man. She announced to the family in the lounge that it had indeed been Kenna's ex-boyfriend, Justin Bieber who had hit her. He had been under the influence and was driving drunk. When news hit the media, fans supported Kenna as she struggles to understand that her ex would do that, but we don't know the full extent as to why Kenna disliked her ex before she broke up with him for publicly cheating on her with her ex-best friend Selena Gomez. 

Selena Gomez has reportedly broken it off with Justin for hitting her ex-best friend in the car accident that almost cost the singer her life, but this isn't the first time the couple has broken up since dating shortly after Kenna ended things with Justin. Jelena has broken up at least twice in the last year, and some say this may be the final straw for Selena since Kim revealed that Justin hit her younger sister under the influence of alcohol and speeding. 

There is supposed to be a court trial between Kenna and Justin, taking place in a month and the court will decide if Justin is guilty, or if he's innocent. If he's innocent his family will file for payment from Justin to pay for Kenna's medical bills. 

We have heard that Kenna has been staying at home, keeping out from the media limelight as her world comes crashing down, what we do love though is that Kenna's boyfriend, Harry Styles has been there for her through all of it, supporting her decision to stay off social media for a few weeks to get herself in a good space and helping her process the fact that her ex was the one who hit her two months ago. 

We are sending so much love to the Kardashian/Jenna family as they go through a hard time, and hope they get through this in the end and come out stronger for the better. 


I sighed, reading the article as I did so, I had been doing that a lot lately, a lot had happened in the past two weeks. My parents announced their divorce, Harry had come straight to my house when I told him and he stayed that night too, just holding me as I cried in my bed, in the comfort of his own arms. Kim had announced to the family that it was actually Justin who had crashed into my car, and my family had immediately started shouting, I could hear it from upstairs. They weren't happy about it, to say the least. 

Harry had been around a lot to support me too, he had told his band members that he would be over at my house most days but would be free in the afternoons to record some new songs. But I knew that they were planning to go on tour they just hadn't yet decided when that would be. 

"Hey, how are you feeling today?" Harry asked as he walked into my room, he had Starbucks drinks in one hand and a Mcdonald's bag in the other. 

"Better, just still processing," I said, Harry, nodded, climbing into my bed and handing me my drink. 

"I bought you some food, I figured you hadn't eaten lunch yet." Harry said, looking at me as he dug out my Quarter Pounder. I smiled, looking at him as I took it. 

"Thanks for taking such good care of me, I adore you for that." I said, he smiled.

"So, what are we watching today?" He asked 

"Well, I thought you could decide." I said, Harry smiled as he pulled my laptop towards him, already open from me looking at the article. He saw the tab was open and sighed. He didn't say anything, just closed it then opened Netflix on a new one. He knew that when he wasn't around I looked up articles about Justin crashing into my car two months ago. Many had mixed views about it, a lot of comments were saying how I deserved it since I've already been through two guys before Harry. Though I tried to ignore it, it was hard. 

"Well, we can watch Modern Family?" Harry said, I nodded and he put it on. Together we sat there with my laptop in front of us just watching Modern Family while we ate our lunch. Feeling a lot better now that Harry was here. Knowing that he wouldn't judge me or anything, we had talked about the court case and he wanted to be there to support me I just wasn't sure how many people I could bring with me to provide support. Since I was the victim and Justin was the offender. 

Once I ate my lunch I put the boxes of the burger and fries in the bag and went to my drink on my bedside table. Harry placed the paper bag on the floor, he was a faster eater than I was. 

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Harry asked 

"I'm not sure, why?" I asked 

"Do you want to come to the recording studio with the boys tomorrow?" Harry asked I nodded. 

"Sounds like fun, I haven't seen them in ages." I said, Harry smiled 

"They're excited to see you again. I think Louis is bringing Briana, not too sure." Harry said. I nodded, I never really liked Briana but stuck up with her for Louis's sake since he was one of my closest friends. 

"That'll be good, are you recording songs for your new album?" I asked, Harry nodded 

"Yeah, we are. You'll be one of the first few that get to hear them before they are released." Harry said I smiled looking at him as I did so. He looked down at my lips as he did so. 

"I love you." I said, Harry smirked 

"I love you too." He said, before closing the gap and kissing me. My heart exploded, I was finally whole again. 

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