Oceans And Glaciers

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I love ocean wind.

You look at the Alaskan islands.
Some of them had mountains with snow. Some dark woods. The ice cold wind blows in your face. You sigh.

What am I going to do when the portal is ready? I don't want to leave!

Suddenly you see an avalanche. A whole chunk of snow loosens and thunders off the mountain.

You hear someone sigh behind you. Your turn around to see Norway. His eyes were darkened.

"What's wrong?"
"Huh?" He asks as if he hadn't noticed you. "Oh I'm just worried. How long do you think it will take until all the glaciers melt?"

"I don't know." You murmur. "Climate change is really bad back at my home."
He nods. "All of the glaciers back at my home are starting to shrink. If this continues some of my villages will flood. Also glaciers store a lot of CO2. Some countries will completely drown. Like Bangladesh. The Philippines won't have it easier either." He continues to look out onto the islands and the water.

"My family doesn't believe in climate change." You sigh. "But I've done some research and the main problem are the coal-fired power stations." He nods. "I don't understand why we don't try to just build a Solar-energy network. Like connect all the houses in the neighborhood, so everyone can share their own Energy made by solar panels, that can be easily built on the roof." You suggest.

Norway nods. "You could use batteries to store the Energy, but the batteries will have to be renewed and what will you do with all the broken batteries? And what should I do? It's practically completely dark in winter."

You start talking about climate change and work on a solution.

"Guys we have almost reached the mainland." You hear the US behind you, sounding annoyed. You turn around to see him looking at Norway weirdly.

Was there a fight or something? Why is everyone glaring at each other?

You turn around to see Belarus and Russia staring at each other. Suddenly Romania was standing next to you. "Hey. Would you like to.."
"(Your Name)!" Poland interrupts him. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"
"We have to leave the ship soon." Germany says behind him.
"Everyone in the car now!" You hear The US shout.

What's going on? They can't be fighting right now! Not when there's someone chasing us. If all of my dreams come true, what about the one last night? Are we all doomed to die?

You finally reach the laboratory again.

Jeez it feels like so long since the last time I've been here. It wasn't even a week ago!

You enter the room.

"Okay we should start fixing the.." Ireland starts.
"Whose hungry?" Poland asks. "We made gofry before we left."
"What's that?" France asks.
"Awesome" Norway says.
"We should eat them now." Poland says.
"Yeah, but shouldn't we get some work.." Ireland asks.
"Waffles sounds good." Germany interrupts.

I guess they made up? I mean if they eat waffles now it would take longer for them to fix the portal. That means I get to stay here longer and think about what I'm going to do.

"Okay." Poland says handing you one.
"Thanks." You smile.

And they start glaring at each other again. What's wrong with them? At least The UK, Ireland and France don't seem involved.

After a while everyone looks at a panel behind in the control room.
"What did you do to the control panel?" The UK asks looking at the completely broken right side of the panel.

"I kind of broke it with an ax. It was so the portal would only open in our universe and not the human one. Otherwise (Your Name) would still be stuck in the wormhole between our two universes." Norway explains.
"Why did you have an ax with you?" France asks him, grinning.
"In case humans weren't what we thought they were." Norway murmurs.

"Oh jeez. Why didn't you just bring a gun." The UK laughs.
"Norway and his ax is just as dangerous like The US with his guns." Germany laughs.
"You can say that out loud." Ireland says, glancing at Norway.
"Are you referring the Viking age?" Norway sighs.
"Yes." Ireland smiles.
"Jeez I'm sorry for ruining your book, okay?" Norway laughs.
"Oh no the book is fine, but you stole the cover!" Ireland says.

"I remember you crying to me about that book." The UK says.
"What book?" You ask.
"The Book Of Kells." Ireland mutters.
"A Gospel book full of Celtic art." The UK clarifies.
"The cover was made of gold. Well I was kind of brutal back then. I WANTED that cover." Norway explains.
"Guys are we going to get any work done?" France asks.

"Why work? Work sucks." Germany says.

"Yeah." Poland agrees. "What did the cover look like?"

"I don't remember. That was ages ago." Norway murmurs.

"Does anyone else want another waff.." Russia wants to ask but gets cut off by Ireland.

"Guys France is right we should get SOME work done."

"Can we be done now?" Germany whines for the fifth time this hour.

"Dude. You know what fine." France sighs. "You guys don't seem to have any motivation to  do anything today."

"Have you ever seen a glacier?" Norway asks you, after both of you sit on the floor.
"Yes. It's amazing what people have found in them. Like the horse from the Iron Age. Wasn't that found in norway?"
"Yup." He smiles. "The 1000 year old woods were found here in Alaska."
"Ötzi was found in austria." Germany joins the conversation.
"And the Arctic Mummies were found in sibiria." Russia adds.

Suddenly you started coughing. Your ears were screeching and your puls started to race. Your lungs felt like there was something laying on it. Like it was getting crushed. Your vision started to go black. Suddenly you heard the voice again.

Sweet Dreams.

People I Appreciate

@HarrisBee Thanks For Voting For 'Trees And Skies.

@LuhsekarNaratami8 Thanks For Voting For 'A Heatwave'!

I'm happy to have you here!

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