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You walk to the house, Belarus walking next to you. You open the door.
"What do you guys want to eat?" You ask.
"We have Ruskie pierogi that we only have to put in boiling water for a couple of minuets." Poland says.
"Okay, let's make those then." You nod. "And one more thing." You turn around to look at everyone. "No politics."
Then you unlock the door.

Everyone gets in, happy to escape the cold outside.

You walk over to Belarus to help her make food.
Everyone else walks over to the couch and starts talking while you two silently work side by side.

"So what are we doing tomorrow?" Russia asks.
"We could visit my place. I'm curious what it looks like here." Romania says.
"But shouldn't we.."
"Romania it is." Russia interrupts Germany, who sighs as a reply.

You sit down next to them, with a bowl of pierogi and sour cream and dill.

"So where are we going?" You ask Romania.
"It's a surprise." He smiles.
"Probably one of his thousand castles." Russia says.
"Don't judge my castles." Romania says, teeth clenched.
"I'm not. Just saying." Russia laughs.

Then it was quiet again. The weird kind of quiet. The quiet that spread all the tensions that everyone had between them again. But this time you weren't sure what the tension was. Something was making everyone angry or sad, just you didn't seem to know what.

I have to say something. This silence is killing me.

"What are you guys upset about?" You ask.
"Nothing." USA says, openly glaring at Russia.
"There some kind of fight that I missed?" You ask, concerned.
"Nope." USA says.

The silence continues.

What's their problem?

You look at Romania, who was the only one not really participating in the contempt glaring. He just looked at the floor and was lost in his thoughts.

Russia and USA, Poland and Belarus, UK, Germany and Ireland were all busy death staring at each other, while Norway fiddled uncomfortably with his fork.

"Stop it and tell me what's wrong! You think I'm too stupid to see how upset you are?" You lash out.

Everyone sighs and some get up to leave.

"You better sit you asses down and tell me what your problem is! Or you're sleeping outside. All of you." You snarl.

Everyone immediately sits down, eyes wide open.
"Come on! Why won't you talk to me? What's bothering you? Why are you fighting?"
Some look at the floor, while others exchange shamefaced glances. But no one dares to talk.

"Are you scared? Ashamed? Angry? Sad? Disappointed? Come on! Say something!" You push them.
"All at once." Romania murmurs, who hadn't moved at all.

All at once?


He looks at you with a tired smile.

"You really don't get it do you? It doesn't matter. You'll find out eventually." He says, in a weird angry, sad, tired tone. Then he gets up and leave, you look after him, confused.


Everyone else started to move and get up to leave. Soon it was just you and Belarus.

You were still a bit baffled. Belarus gets up and offers you her hand. You go up the stairs together in complete silence.

But this time the silence wasn't because of rising tensions, it was because there was nothing to be said. Sometimes silence was just the thing you needed when you were hurt, because there was nothing that could hurt you when there was no one talking. You were standing in front of your door. Belarus pulls you into a hug, then she leaves to her own room.

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