Nine Drunk. One Sober.

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"Stop! We're going to be in big trouble if you don't!" You say trying to attract as little attention as possible, but miserably failing.

Can't they stop acting like two year olds just for five seconds?!

"Hey Germany pass me the cart!" The UK says standing on the other side of the aisle.
Germany shoved the cart across it, it almost crashed into the collection of wine bottles, Russia and Poland giggling uncontrollably.
"Guys please.." You say, hoping they'd stop. It was hopeless. The UK had already vanished.

You storm after her, hoping that she hadn't run over anyone yet.

If they start asking her questions like where she's from we'll have a major problem.

"Hey can I have a turn?" Ireland asks, excited.
"Yeah me too, please." Belarus laughs.
"No that's enough." You sigh.
"Co? Już ci zapiera dech?" Poland teased.
Russia was going to take the cart and drive off again, but this time you insisted.


They stop and look at you, surprised. They didn't seem angry or scared, more like, embarrassed?

Why are they blushing like that?

"Tá, máistir." Ireland slurs, stepping away from the cart.
You just stood there, confused.

That's definitely no the reaction I expected.

"Okay... just get out of the cart, we have to leave as soon as we can." You say baffled.
Everyone immediately gets out.
"Now what do you guys need?"
"Yo.. err... food." The US says.

Everyone started to snap out from whatever trance they were in and started to look at their surroundings.
"How much money do we have?" Germany asks.
"Unlimited. It's on me, or on my parents in that case." You say.
"Awesome. Unlimited food!" USA exclaims.
Some countries start giggling at that remark, you smile.

The first time I get to eat properly in, what feels like, forever.

"Do you have s'mores, graham crackers and.."
"Chocolate?!" Germany interrupts The US and runs up to the isle of sweets.
"He must've read my mind." The US follows him.
"Awesome." Poland says and walks up to the energy drinks.
"You're a serious addict." Belarus says, trying to pull him away.
"I can't believe YOU'RE the one telling ME I'm an addict." Poland mumbles, but let's himself get pulled away.
"Crisps!" Ireland exclaims.
"No, chips!" The US corrects.
"Chips? Dude you eat chips with you're burgers. Those are crisps." The UK says.
"And you complain when I say Blini are not pancakes." Russia turns to The US as well.

"Crisps, chips who cares? Let's get some." You say reaching for them off the shelf but Russia was faster than you.
"Flexing on how tall you are, huh?" The US chuckles.
"So you like чипсы?" Russia asks, ignoring USA.
"I don't know. I've never tried any before." You say.
"Du hast noch nie Chips gegessen?!" Germany asks turning to you in surprise.
"Hvorfor?" Norway asks astonished.
"My parents." You just mumble.
Everyone looks at you in a sympathetic way.
"It's okay. No need to be too sorry about it." You say trying to lift the mood.

I hate talking about my foster parents!

"So what are we going to eat?" You ask.
"Chipsuri?" Romania asks.
"No I mean to actually eat. Like something that will make us full."
"Does anyone feel like making food?" Russia asks.
"Nope." The UK murmurs. "Can we just get Pizza?"
"Pizza?" You ask nervously.

Dark Entity [Countryhumans x Reader]{Countryhumans Fanfiction}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora