No Ideas

519 32 19

Я хочу их. Это весь мой мир. Прекрасна, как сама зима. Такая красота, которую невозможно описать словами, песнями или картинами. Они должны быть моими.

Russia and you walk together to the house.
Her snow and coffee scent with a trace of vodka was calming.

"Can we eat pizza?" USA asks excited.

He looks like an excited four year old.

You smile to yourself.

"I think that's one thing we can agree on." Russia laughs.
"Pizza is what brings peace to this world." Ireland agrees.

It's nice to see them getting along. I really hope that everyone overcame their differences.

"Let's go inside." You say, pulling out the keys.

"So what are we going to do tomorrow?" Ireland asks.
You bite into your Pizza.

Good question.

"How about we start working on.."
"Let's visit Mir." Belarus says, excitedly interrupting Norway.
He shrugs.
You sigh.

The lack of conversation was obviously because everyone was trying to follow Poland and Germany's fight.

"Nie dam EU pieniądze! Ani jednego złota!"
"Die Währung ist ja auch in Euro und nicht in schlottie." Germany says, rolling his eyes.
"Szloty? Złota!" Poland growls, teeth clenched.
"Ja was auch immer." Germany murmurs.
"Dlaczego zawszę.."
"Guys stop it!" You snap.

Poland turns away from Germany, obviously indicating that he had more to say, but wasn't going to.
"You two have to stop fighting about the EU. Why does every conversation that you have revolve around it? And why does it always escalate into a fight? If you can't talk about the EU without raising your voices again, then stop it and save it for later." You say.
"Tschuldigung." Germany murmurs avoiding eye contact.
"Przepraszam." Poland scoffs, also not looking at Germany.

At least they stopped talking about it.

Belarus sighs.
"I'm going to get a shower and go to bed." You say getting up. "Night."
You go upstairs after you hear the chorus of good night in different languages.

You stretch your back.

I wonder what Mir is going to be like.

I wonder what happened to all of our friends.

Are they okay?

"Canada are you okay?"

She looks up to me.

"Yes. I'm okay Vietnam."
"We we're thinking of moving up to your place." The Philippines next to me says.
She nods.
"That's fine."
"Is it okay if we come with you?" Brazil asks with concern in her eyes.
"Yes." Canada continues with a empty stare.
"Oy Canada. How are you?" I hear An Australian accent behind me.
"I'm fine."
"Do you mind if we join you?" Australia asks.
"Nope." Then she puts her hands on the table.
"We should ask Finland, Iceland and Sweden. They're probably still sad about Germany and Norway."

I look over to the three of them.

They look very sad. I mean all of them do, but they can't even try to hide it.

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