Goodbyes And Hellos

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You know how everything good has a catch? Like this moment right now? All of us happy together and singing? Of course it's going to have a catch. A big one.

As soon as Belarus takes the guitar in his hand, France drops from the log he was sitting on to the floor. He stopped moving.

"France?" You hear Romania ask concerned as he rushed to his side.
France's eyes were wide open, completely black. Then suddenly everyone starts panicking.
"France! France kann you hear us?" The US asks kneeling next to him.
You walk up to France, your heart practice beating out of your chest.

"France?" You ask with a shaky voice.
Suddenly he moves again. He gasps. "It's here."
"What's here?" Germany asks, relief in his eyes.
"The THING. It's here with us. In the shadows. It's watching.." France says more and more panicked after every word.
"Calm down." Romania tries to hush him.
"No! You don't understand! It's going to take all of us! One by one! It's going to.. you have to.." Suddenly his body slacks. His eyes an empty black. A black cloud covers him. And then he's gone.

"France?!" The UK shouts in disbelief.
"What just happened?" You hear Germany murmur next to you.
Romania stares in shock at where France was laying just two seconds ago.
"Guys there must be a explanation for this." You hear The US's broken voice.
"An explanation for THAT?!" Romania suddenly shouts. "The only explanation I have, is that either I'm going crazy, this is a hyper realistic nightmare or there really is some kind of monster hiding in the shadows. And I think I believe the last thing the most. And if we don't find it, it'll kill all of us." He starts shaking uncontrollably.

He just lost his brother.

You put your arm around him. He leans his head on you shoulder, sighs and closes his eyes. "Thank you." Romania mutters.
"I'm so sorry." You murmur.
Everyone was silent, showing their respects for France. You see Germany and The UK next to you. They were huddled together. Misery plastered their faces.
"Whoever did this is going to pay." Romania murmurs next to you. "Even if I die, I will teach whoever did this a lesson."

You wake up.

I must have dozed off. No fallen asleep. The sun is rising already.

Romania was still fast asleep.

I still can't believe France is just gone now.

"Morgen." You hear Germany tiredly whisper next to you.
"Morning." You reply. "Have you slept at all?"

He looks as if he hadn't slept for months.

He shakes his head. "No." He says with a shaky voice.
"Are you okay?" You ask worried.
"No." He repeats sighing.
"How did you sleep?" The UK, who was still sitting next to Germany, asks.
"Okay I guess."

Judging by her face expression she didn't get any sleep either and they both seem to be freezing.

"Do you guys wanna move up to me?" You ask patting the ground next to you.
"Really? Thank you." You hear Germany rasp and he walks up next to you. The UK follows him.
Germany then also leans his head onto your shoulder. You pat his back.
"Everything is going to be okay." You murmur.
"So lange du da bist." Germany says muffled.

"Guys we should get up and start fixing the portal." The US wakes you up from your doze.
Romania and Germany lift their heads.

Finally my shoulders are free again.

You stretch your shoulders and then get up.
"If we work through the day, we'll might be finished by this evening." The US says.

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