Chapter 1

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You were helping Remus pack for Hogwarts as he was resting, the full moon was last night so he's still feeling some effects, even with the potion he is still in pain. You just wish that he never had to be in pain.

"You don't need to help me, darling," Remus says.

"I'm your wife Rem I'm gonna help you if you want to do something, help Harry pack." Remus nods as he slowly gets up and limps off

You look out the door and yup Remus is sitting on the floor winded from just a few steps

"You sure you don't need my help." You say and Remus had too much pride in letting you help him

"I'm fine," Remus says and you sigh as you shake your head and finish packing Remus's stuff

You then help Harry and Harry walked out and ran over to Remus

"Uncle Moony you ok?" Harry asks and Remus nods

"Oh yeah definitely, just a bit tired from the stupid moon," Remus says and you help him up and tell him to rest you all are leaving tomorrow

Remus just finally listens to you and you walk downstairs with Harry

"Does Uncle Moony ever listen to you?" 

"Most times." You say and Harry nods

"Hey, auntie?" Harry says and you look over at him

"Yeah?" You say and Harry didn't know if he should bring it up, Remus being a werewolf and a teacher?

"Just Uncle Moony will be ok, right? At Hogwarts?" Harry asks and you got what he was trying to say

"Don't worry he will be perfectly  fine." You say and Harry nods 'I know Remus was feeling down about not having a job lately, so I'm glad he can work again after almost a year of not being able to get a job.'

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