Chapter 76

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You were in the middle of reading a fascinating story to Isabella when suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. Isabella's eyes widened with excitement as she wondered who could be visiting.

You tentatively turn the doorknob, heart racing with anticipation. As the door creaks open, you're met with a warm smile from Remus.

With a careful grip on the coffee table, Isabella pushes herself up to stand. With a wobbly gait, she makes her way towards Remus. Remus beams at her as she approaches him and lifts her in a warm embrace. He gently kisses her cheek, expressing his affection for her.

As you look up at him, Remus confesses, "I was wrong, and I've longed for both of you deeply."

"I'm at a loss for words. You left us all alone and shattered my heart into a million pieces," you say with a trembling voice. Remus reaches out and tenderly places a hand on your cheek to comfort you.

"I deeply regret allowing revenge to consume my life and causing me to leave you. I assure you, it will never happen again. It's true; everyone correctly pointed out I was using Isabella as a justification. In reality, all I desired was to eliminate him." Remus gently strokes your cheek, and you can't help but smile, feeling an overwhelming warmth from his touch.

"Did you do it?" you inquire, but Remus responds with a negative shake.

"Sirius stopped me, and I know now that he was right. I wasn't the man you fell in love with, the one you wanted to start a family with." He takes a deep breath, and you can see the pain etched on his face. "I let you down, and I beg you to forgive me. I'll do anything to make it up to you." As he speaks, Isabella bounces in his arms, giggling with joy. You can't help but smile at the sweet moment, but your heart is heavy with the weight of Remus's words.

Remus moves closer to your lips, and just as he is about to bridge the distance, you joyfully plant a kiss on him.

"Can I take that as a sign that you forgive me?" Remus asks, and you nod in agreement.

"You're too adorable. I can't stay angry at you," Remus grins and draws you nearer, kissing Isabella gently.

Remus embraces Isabella tightly, tears streaming down his face as he whispers, "I've missed you both immensely. I can't be upset that you kept your location a secret as long as she's safe."

"I was truly concerned about your well-being, Remus. Your absence made me sick, and I couldn't bear the thought of never seeing you again." Tears roll down your cheeks, but Remus immediately wipes them away as he smiles softly at you.

"I'll always come back to you and never leave you again," Remus whispers. "Let's go home," he asks, and you nod, smiling.

Remus gives you one final kiss before you leave to pack up your belongings and Isabella's.

'From now on, I will be the best husband and father I can be; I will make it up to them, I promise.'


As time passed, Isabella blossomed into a beautiful young lady, and Remus kept his vow to himself.

"Hey, Isabella, slow down," Remus exclaims, and she halts in her tracks, gazing up at him curiously. Remus skillfully navigates his way, holding a lively three-year-old boy tightly in his arms as they move ahead.

"Dad, I don't want to be late!" She exclaims. The excitement in her eyes is noticeable.

Isabella, now 11, was going off to Hogwarts for her first year.

"At least cut your old man a break, will you? I am carrying your brother; at least think of him." Remus pleads, gasping for air as he finally catches up to her. As Remus slows down from jogging to walking, the three-year-old giggles, enjoying the playful moment to the fullest.

"Come on, Dad, you need to step up your game," Isabella playfully chides, catching Remus off guard as he raises an eyebrow in surprise.

"I'm old; let me be old,"Remus remarks as Isabella stands on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek,

"Izzy," The toddler says. Isabella also can't resist giving her little brother a sweet kiss on the cheek.

As the train's departure announcement echoes through the station, Isabella turns to Remus with a look of utmost seriousness.

"Dad, what if I hate it?" Remus kneels down carefully without hesitation and gently caresses her cheek, assuring her that everything will be alright.

"Hey, don't worry; you can always come home whenever necessary. But I have full faith in you, my sweetie. After all, you have your mother to teach you. Looks like you can't escape her even at school!" Remus quips and Isabella bursts into laughter.

Isabella's hands trembled as she spoke, "I love you. Please find a way to see me, even if you have to use my mom as an excuse." Remus smiled and took her hand, kissing it gently as he nodded in agreement.

"Isabella, my dear, I love you too," Remus says warmly. "I know you'll do great things and even cause a bit of mischief along the way. You make me proud every day." Isabella's eyes light up with excitement as she flashes a mischievous grin. "Now, hop on that train and show the world what you're made of!" With a final hug from Remus and a kiss for her brother, Isabella boards the train.

Remus can't help but grin as the tiny tot gleefully points to the spot where Isabella stood just moments ago.

"Izzy!" the toddler exclaims, and Remus nods along, delighted at the child's enthusiasm.

"You're right, kiddo. Izzy is heading off to Hogwarts soon, but we should probably get you back home for now. It's almost time for your nap!" As he speaks, Remus waves goodbye to the window, where Isabella eagerly waves back at them.

'I can never believe how much she's grown. It feels like just yesterday; she was the same size as her brother. But now, she is growing into a beautiful and amazing person, and I couldn't be more proud that she's my daughter.'

Anyway, that's the end of this story; I hope you enjoyed it. I am working on a few drafts that will be published eventually; for updates, you can find my discord server in my Wattpad bio and other places to find me.

Also my buy me a coffee page if you wanna support me

Mwah, have a great day or night.

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