Chapter 28

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|Remus's Pov|

I was talking with Sirius as we both were drinking

"Honestly moons you raised Harry, you'll be a fine father stop worrying about it." Sirius sad and I sigh

"I wanna so badly have a kid with y/n, just I'm worried ok?" I say and Sirius nods

"You can be worried it's fine, just you raised Harry fine." Sirius says and I nod

"Yes I did, but I still feel fear." I say and Sirius gives me a slight hug

"Of course you do, remember when James wanted kids and he was so scared. Even while lily was pregnant he was terrified, I think it's just a normal thing everyone feels." Sirius says and I nod I wanted a kid so badly with y/n, like I would love having a kid with y/n, just I am terrified if I forget to take my potion and I harm my son or daughter I would never be able to live with myself if I harmed my child

I get up and write a letter to y/n and Sirius was confused about what was happening

"So what were you writing?" Sirius asks and I shrug

"None of your business." I say as I smile and Sirius was confused

"Ok." Sirius says and he's been drinking a lot and has been forcing me to get him food "I missed getting drunk." Sirius says and I shake my head

"At least your not smoking anymore." I say and Sirius nods

"Yeah I'm done with that." Sirius says and I nod well I'm glad my house won't smell of cigarettes

"Well I'm glad because I don't want my house smelling like cigarettes." I say as I put the letter in an envelope and then hand it to mine and y/ns owl

Yes we share an owl we try our best to save money, mostly because we have to pay for my potion, which is costly

I look at one of my wedding pictures that was framed and left out, I was picking y/n up and she was smiling and laughing as I then pulled her into a kiss

'I sometimes feel like I'm nothing but an inconvenience to y/n, but I know I'm not I'll never be one to her.'

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