Chapter 70

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You glance over at Isabella, who is sound asleep beside you. Since Remus left, you haven't been able to sleep without her in the bed with you. You're too afraid of what could happen if she isn't there. Sadly, your fears are justified tonight. You sigh as you roll over to try and go to sleep, but the floorboard creaks as heavy footsteps get closer and closer. This makes you sit up and grab your wand while picking up Isabella, holding her close.

You wonder if it's Remus. Did he come back? Did Sirius knock sense into him? Regrettably, the voice you hear next as they stumble in the darkness is nothing close to Remus'; it makes your heart drop into your stomach. Fear consuming you. You quickly hide in the closet, holding Isabella close as the heavy footsteps slowly approach your room. They knew precisely which room to find her in like they'd been waiting. You put a hand over your mouth to stifle your breathing as their footsteps cease, then turn around and slam the door shut, growling irritably.

 "Okay, Darling Isabella, please stay asleep for Merlin's sake." You whisper as fear fills your body, almost rendering you Immobile, but knowing the person inside will hurt you or Isabella allows you to stand up

You carefully exit the closet and quietly open the window to escape. Halfway out, you hear their footsteps coming back, and that's when Isabella wakes up and starts giggling loudly, noticing that she's in your arms. This makes the footsteps hurry over to the bedroom.

You rush out of the room, slamming the window shut behind you just in time to avoid Greyback. His toothy grin grows wider as he spots Isabella in your arms, prompting you to hold her closer to your chest. 

"You can't hide her forever," Greyback says calmly, yet with a hint of menace. He doesn't do anything besides stare at you through the window. 

How did he manage to find us? Was he aware of it the whole time? Did he wait until Remus was consumed by his desire for revenge and left? Was this his motive for doing it, to get Remus away? 

Carefully, you climb down from the roof and step onto the gravel. You run as fast as you can while remaining cautious. Finally, you arrive at your friend's house without knocking and rush in. Your friend sitting on her couch looks confused as you watch her take Isabella. Suddenly, you begin to feel dizzy and disoriented.

You gasp for air, and your heart races as you desperately try to catch your breath. Your hands are shaking, and your body is trembling with fear as you lean against the door. You muster the strength to speak, "I'm sorry, Greyback. Found us." 

"This country is far too dangerous for you and Isabella; we'll be leaving in the morning immediately for your parent's getaway home as we agreed." 

You have been writing to your friend ever since Remus abandoned you. You have been feeling helpless and vulnerable, and your friend has been a source of comfort, offering a listening ear and supportive words.

In one of your letters, you mentioned your fear for safety and Isabella's. Your friend suggested leaving the country where no one could find you, and you agreed that it was a good idea.

However, the hope that Remus would return and make things right stopped you from acting. You clung to the belief that he would eventually return and that everything would be okay again.

But now, things have changed. The danger in the country has escalated, and you no longer feel safe. It's time to leave.

"You're right. We need to leave; I should have left when he did." You say, a sad look on your face. How you wish he were here. He was your rock; you're drifting without him to support you.

"I know it was hard for you when Remus left, but you must protect Isabella, so you must leave. He won't stop looking for her here." Your friend says as she gently puts Isabella down as she has fallen asleep.

You take a deep breath and try to steady your voice as you speak. "It is what it is. I can't change it. He made his decision, and I made mine." Despite your best efforts, your eyes start to water as you try to keep the one thing on your mind since he walked out that door.

You make your way over to a nearby desk, grabbing some parchment and a quill. You take a moment to gather your thoughts before writing a letter to Remus. Once you finish the letter, you seal it in an envelope and send it off to the Weasleys, who will be able to ensure that he receives it. 

'If Remus is a part of my past now, It'll hurt so much. Losing him will leave a void in my life that will never be filled. I don't know if I can live without him, But I'll learn if I have to.' 

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