Chapter 11

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|Harrys pov|

Today professor snape came in to teach us instead of aunt y/n

But I frowned when he started teaching about werewolf's, he knows about uncle Remus obviously

He's in bed right now not able to get up because of the stupid moon

And here snape is teaching about how bad werewolf's are

I stand up and everyone looks at me as I had enough

"You know what? Not all werewolf's are bad people, I know one who was turned when he was a child he was four years old and has had to live with being a werewolf for all his life, so what he turns into a creature every full moon he didn't ask for that he's cursed, and I won't allow you to talk down about someone who was given that curse as a child." I say and snape looked at me shocked

"Detention." He says and I didn't care I stood up for uncle Remus

"For speaking the truth? Ok." I say and he looks back at me

"I'll also be talking to your aunt." He says probably trying to scare me

"Yeah bet she'd love to hear your take on werewolf's tell me how it goes, if I ever see you again professor." I say as I sit down and Ron and Hermione were looking at me confused

|A few weeks later|

Today was a quidditch game against Slytherin and Gryffindor

"So love who you rooting for? Your nephew or your house." Remus asks and you shrug

"You know I never cared too much for quidditch, even when James joined the Gryffindor team." You say and Remus nods as he kisses the side of your head

"If your not rooting for your nephews team your a terrible aunt, just saying." Remus says and you stop walking and look at him shocked "Also Slytherins suck." Remus says and you gasp

"Wow so your wife sucks." You say and Remus smirks and you hit his arm before he could say you do suck but in a different way

"Ok got it." Remus says as you both walk off as you had to go to the library and get some books, Remus decided to come along 'It's weird being in school again, but I'm an adult and I'm teaching and I'm here with y/n as my wife, and when I graduated here she was my fiancée, man so much time has past, but this place brings back so many memories of people I wanna remember and others I wanna forget.'

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