Chapter 36

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You got Remus's letter about how some woman flirted with him, and you were jealous even if you knew he wouldn't ever flirt back

And if he did Sirius would run to you and tell you

You sigh as you started to feel a headache when your ex walks into your classroom

Oh even more of a headache

"I said leave me alone." You say and he rolls his eyes

"What is Remus rich or something? That's why your with him isn't it? Or is he a gold digger trying to get your money." Ethan says and you gasp shocked he'd ever say that

"No it's because we love each other that's why we got married." You say and Ethan scoffs

"Yeah that's why you don't have kids." Ethan says and you glare at him

"The reason me and Remus don't have kids is between me and Remus you need to shut the fuck up, I don't know I could be infertile you don't know, maybe that's why I don't have kids because I can't, you don't fucking know anything so shut up and jump off a cliff." You say so fed up with everything people say to you now

Like Remus is dangerous, or Remus is a monster, or you don't love Remus you don't have kids, how could you ever be married to him? You can't handle it at all it makes you so upset

How dare people ever talk badly about Remus ever

You get your ex out of your classroom and slam the door in his face yelling fuck off you bitch I hate you

Students looked over confused as you also then started yelling never talk bad about my husband again before slamming the door in his face

'I don't care if people don't like me, but go for my husband? Oh I'm gonna fucking kill you.'

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