Chapter 60

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When you and Isabella were released finally from the hospital and allowed to go home

Everyone was happy to meet her and it feels like every day someone is here to meet little Isabella

Remus can barely keep her out of his arms

You smile at Remus as he was in the arm chair smiling at little Bella who was asleep in his arms

"We made this." Remus whispers as he pressed a kiss to her nose just so happy to be able to hold his child finally

"We did isn't she beautiful." You say as you sit on the couch and Remus looks over at you as he rocks Isabella back and forth

Remus then looks around and notices Sirius not here wait where did he go?

"Where's Sirius?" Remus asks and you look at him confused

"Sirius said he's going to do something with the order for you as you wanted to stay with Isabella what do you mean?" You ask and Remus' eyes widen as he realized what was happening

"Oh no Sirius he didn't, and he didn't let me come with him? All because of Bella being born?" Remus says and you were very confused on what is happening and Remus explains it all

They were ambushing death eaters

"Remus he kept you here because if something goes wrong and you didn't make it you'd be leaving me and Isabella and Sirius isn't going to allow that." You say putting a hand on his cheek and he nods

"You're right Isabella is more important in my life now then the order, I'm a father I can't be going on dangerous things anymore I gotta stay and protect my family." Remus says and you nod as you kiss him and he smiles into the kiss as Isabella then starts crying so you both pull away and Remus goes back to rocking her to sleep 'I am so glad to be a dad, things in my life are going to change and I have to remember that.'

Later that day Harry was happy to come home and meet Isabella

Sirius actually brought him home and asked to privately talk to Remus about what happened

Harry was just so excited to meet Isabella

"Support her neck Harry and stop bouncing." Remus says and Harry sits still as Remus carefully puts Isabella in Harry's arms

Harry smiles at her as Remus sat beside Harry

"She's so tiny." Harry says and Remus nods

"You were tiny like this too Harry, James kept saying I can't hold him he's going to fall through my arms." Remus says and Harry chuckles "Oh your mother forced him to sit down and put you in his arms as she was not going to let him not hold you right when you were born as she said he's going to regret if he doesn't." Remus says as he then looked upset because he remembered James is gone

Harry noticed and smiled at Remus

"Well glad he won't be regretting anything now." Harry says and Remus smiles pats Harry's head

"I guess your right." Remus says as he smiles at Isabella and Harry 'Thanks to raising Harry I'm not nervous to raise Isabella I know she will be happy and have a wonderful childhood as that's what we did for Harry so that's what we will do for Isabella.'

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