Chapted 14

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Remus looks at the paper and sighs as he looks at Sirius's face

"I hope he gets caught." You say and looking over at the paper Remus was reading

Remus looks up and at the Gryffindor table and sighs as he imagined being a teen again and sitting to there with his friends and you everyone laughing and just enjoying life

Not knowing that in the future everything would change, people would die and get betrayed, and he'd be the last marauder alive or free, well as free as he can be

"Remus?" You say snapping him out of his thoughts

"It's nothing, sorry just want him to get caught already." Remus says and you nod and kiss his cheek

"Everything is gonna be ok." You say and he nods as he didn't want Sirius to hurt you too, what if he tries to kill Harry? He can't have any of that happen

He's gonna protect his family


You were helping Draco with work he didn't understand in your classroom

When he asks you a question

"So how do you deal with people being clueless and them not knowing they like each other?" Draco says and you chuckle

"You know Remus was extremely clueless I liked him, like it took about two years for him to finally catch on, started liking him in our third year then he figured it out in our fifth year." You say and Draco was shocked

"What? Really?" Draco says extremely shocked and you nod

"Yes he is extremely clueless, mostly because he thought no one could ever love him, he told himself he didn't deserve love so he never realized when people fancied him because he thought no one could love him." You say as you know Remus is still in pain everyday he lives with his curse, and you just hope you help him make life better

"How did you make him not clueless?" Draco asks and you sigh

"Sirius told rem she fancy's you Remus like you fancy her go snog or something I'm sick of watching this go on any longer." You say and Draco nods

"Ok so I tell it at them got it." Draco says and you chuckle

"Well what a nice friend you are." You say and Draco shrugs

"More like I can't stand them eye fuck each other anymore, just want my friends to just get the snogging over with already so I can go back to my life." He says and you nod and just go back to helping him, since you gave him an extension on this assignment but we'll he's having a lot of trouble, so you'll help him like you would with all your students

'I really just wanna get this over with, like Remus said since we both won't have class we'll be taking a bath together, and I really just wanna get this over with so I can do that.'

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