Chapter 15

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You walk out of your classroom frowning as you walk over to Remus as he was talking to the Weasley twins

"MOONY!" You yell and Remus looks over and smirks

"Ah you fell into my prank." Remus says and you glare at him

"I thought the pranks stopped when you and the other marauders grew up, now here you are pranking me your wife. What next follow me on the map? Like you used to do? Watch my movements you stalker." You say as you notice Fred and George looking shocked as they looked at Remus in awe almost

"Better clean up darling. But also I don't have the map anymore James did something with it when we graduated, so no I won't be secretly stalking you, just you said you were tired I wanted to wake you up." Remus says and you frown at him

"We're not done here, but my brother would have been proud of you for that prank, now moony I'm leaving." You say as you walk off and Remus chuckles, you've ever only called him moony when your upset with him now, and don't wanna call him by his name or a pet name

So whenever he hears moony he knows he did something wrong

Remus looks at the twins as they looked at him with so much adoration

Remus just passed it off as the prank he just pulled, and they were impressed by it or something

"Yes?" Remus asks and the twins got embarrassed

"Uh nothing just what an amazing prank, we've never thought of that it's brilliant." One of the twins say and Remus nods

"Well I didn't come up with it, prongs—sorry I mean James he did, sorry prongs was James's nickname, I'm just so used to calling him that." Remus says as the twins nod obviously wanting to know who the other names were

"Yeah what was your friends other nicknames? Those are some cool nicknames, we wanna use them for reference we wanna give each other and Lee some cool nicknames, so tell us all the nicknames you call people please." The twins say and Remus nods

"Well thanks, we'll if you want to know worm tail was Peter pettigrews nickname and Sirius black's nick name was padfoot, we were a very close group of friends, and yes I was friends with the mass murder, before I knew who he truly was he was my friend, and well I've called my wife puppy so I guess that's a nickname too maybe that'll help with coming up with some." Remus says and the twins nod so happy to know the owner's of the map they use "Now I better apologize to my wife I'll talk to you both later but I must get going." Remus says running off to find you 'Hey James isn't around to prank y/n, I promised James on my wedding day I'd prank y/n forever and I don't break promises.'

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