Chapter 69

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As your husband packs his bags, you stare at him with unfamiliarity. "Darling, you have to stay hidden with Bella. We can't risk him turning her," He says firmly. After weeks of arguing, he is finally taking action. You felt disappointed that he's gotten this far.

Since Harry's return from Hogwarts, Order members have been planning their next course of action. Remus plans to go help, leaving you and Isabella alone. All in the name of revenge on Greyback, Remus is going on a revenge path and you're getting more and more worried for him

"Remus, you don't have to do this," You say, frowning at him. You're annoyed that he hasn't taken any of your advice from previous fights this week.

"I have to protect her, Harry and you. I won't stay hidden as he risks Isabella's life by existing." Remus finishes packing and he looks guilty, but you don't know if he really is guilty. You turn away from him as you rub Isabella back to try to get her to sleep

He walks over and kisses the side of your head as he rubs Isabella's head and then plants a kiss on the top of her head

"You have to protect our daughter, that's your job right now and my job is—" You glare at him as you cut his sentence for having enough of this

"To protect your wife and daughter, but it's fine, just go." Tears fill your eyes as Remus caresses your cheek. You are too drained from this week of fighting, and can't fight anymore. If he won't stay, you won't stop him anymore. He's too far gone already, he's become obsessed with revenge on Greyback and you don't think there is any saving him now.

"I am darling, I'm going to help fight the Death Eaters and finish off Greyback. The only way to protect Isabella is to kill him, and it has to be me. I have to get this revenge," Remus says. The look in his eyes shows that there is no stopping him. It scared you.

He has been suppressing his anger with Greyback coming and threatening Isabella but it's slowly changed him. Deep inside he's been festering this hatred and now he's where he is.

You sigh as you wonder if all of this was your fault for not noticing his change in behaviour quickly enough, "Just go."

Remus kisses your cheek one last time before saying, "I'll be back soon." He then walks out of the bedroom with his bag as more tears fall from you're eyes.

As Remus walked out the door, you felt a deep sense of hurt and sadness. He didn't even try to comfort you like he usually does when you cry. Revenge had changed him and you hope that someone, like Sirius, could help him because you don't know what he's capable of anymore.

It seems that the desire for revenge on Greyback has completely consumed him. Over the past few months, he has gradually changed and developed a stronger need for vengeance. He has even abandoned you and Isabella, something you never thought he would do. His only focus now is to kill Greyback as he believes it is the only way to protect Isabella.

It was slow, but it got much worse after death eaters killed Dumbledore and Remus heard Greyback may have been there too and started spiraling. And other order members getting letters from Greyback talking about what he's going to do to Isabella, and to tell Remus

With every letter they told Remus about made him spiral even more

Now Remus is exactly where Greyback probably wants him

"I wish I had caught this sooner. Maybe he would still be here. Perhaps I could have helped him better, maybe I could have shown him a better path. But I didn't, and when I finally did, it was too late." Isabella stretches and yawns while in your arms. You stand up and walk over to put her in her cot as she falls asleep 'He has become so consumed with revenge that it now seems more important to him than both me and Bella. I love him dearly, but his obsession with revenge is becoming too much for me. I hope Sirius can protect him from himself, Merlin knows he needs it.'

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