Chapter 8

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|A few days later|

"Auntie please can I go to Hogsmeade? Please sign the permission slip so I can go." Harry asks and you sigh he's been asking all summer, and you said you'd think about it if he can go

We'll you don't think he can with Sirius breaking out of Azkaban and all

"No Harry, Sirius is looking for you to hurt you I won't allow you to go and get yourself hurt so no, you'll be staying here I'll take you over summer break." You say and Harry frowns and runs to find Remus and ask him

Which you walk in as Remus says ask your aunt Harry

"She said ask you." Harry says and you laugh

"I said no." You say and Remus nods

"Yes I agree no." Remus says and Harry frowns

"Your only agreeing because she's your wife." Harry says and Remus nods

"Yeah your right I am, now your not going Sirius has broken out and could hurt you, so no your safer here." Remus says and Harry leaves annoyed

"You know he's gonna sneak there if he doesn't convince us." You say and Remus nods

"So which one of us is gonna hide his invisibility cloak." Remus asks and you shrug

"Depends where he hid it, he hides it well so we won't find it." You say and Remus sighs as he pulls you onto his lap and you smile and pull him into a kiss, which he gladly accepts

"He's getting good at hiding it." Remus says remembering finding it in the most weirdest places "He's still not as good as James and the crazy places he hid it, but he's getting close to it." Remus says and you chuckle as you nod 'We shouldn't let Harry go to Hogsmeade, I hate not letting him do things he's looking forward to, but not with Sirius around we can't.'

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