Chapter 63

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As 3 months past Isabella was growing she was lifting her head more and would get excited every time Remus came home from work

You watch as Bella tries to roll onto her back from her stomach as you were folding laundry

"Look at you." You say as Remus walked into the room wondering what Isabella did and immediately she started looking excited as she kicked her feet a little knowing Remus was in the room too

"She's adorable." Remus says as he picks her up and holds her on his lap

"She loves her dad a lot doesn't she." You say as she was already asleep in Remus' arms

"Yes she does and I love her." Remus says kissing her forehead as Remus smiles just so happy to have his child in his arms "I don't wanna leave her later." Remus says and you chuckle

"I mean Harry is back at Hogwarts and we have been so hyper focused into Isabella that I do agree a night out together will be nice, as we won't get a lot of those." You say and Remus sighs you are right you both will have less and less date nights might as well sneak as many as you both can now "Hey and it's only for an hour we go for dinner then we come back." You say and Remus nods as he moves to lay down with Isabella asleep on his chest as he continues to rub her back 'there so cute together, look at them cuddled up together, remus did always say in Hogwarts the only woman who will ever steal him away from me is our daughter if we have one, and we did and she had completely already stolen Remus away so I guess he was right, our daughter is the only one to steal him away from me.'

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