Chapter 3

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Soo...6 months...I suck, but a request to update motivated me so here it comes!!

Ponyboy's POV

I could feel someone shaking my arm, but I was so not in the mood to wake up just yet. I tried to mumble "5 more minutes" but I'm not even sure if that came out. Then there were some voices in the background. one of them sounded like Soda so I reached out my arms, trying to find him.

"Soda?" I called out. I felt a hand finally grasp mine.

"I'm here kid" Another hand ran through my hair and paused on my forehead. I sighed into the comforting touch.

"I need you to get up now, okay Pony?" Soda gently whispered.

I slowly opened my eyes, but the were burning in their sockets. The light in the room caused my head to pound, none of it was helping my head. I saw Soda right next to me and Darry on the other side of the room talking to the nurse. 

Darry finally came over too. "can you walk to the car?" It figured that that was all Darry asked me. Not hey how you doing? because of course he didn't care. so to prove to him that I was fine,I stood up off the bed-way too quickly might I add. I felt my knees buckle as those black dots came back. I probably would have hit the floor if Darry didn't catch me first.

"Easy, easy, I've got you Pony" He said. That was the last thing I heard before everything went dark. 


I saw Pony go down and it felt as though my heart skipped a beat. I rushed to grab him, but Darry beat me there. I sighed in relief, nearly collapsing myself.

Darry manuvered Pony so he was carrying him bridal style and we made our way to the car. I sat in back with my sick little brother while Darry sped home. 

when we were a few streets away I felt Pony stir in my lap. He opened his eyes. They were glassy and blood shot.

"Why didn't you tell us you were so sick baby?" I asked, carding my hand through his hair.

He shut his eyes again. "you had work. I'm okay."

I laughed slightly at how rediculous Pony could be. He didn't realize that he was the most important thing to me and Darry and that we would be anything to make sure he's safe.

When we got home, Darry carried Pony once again as I ran ahead to open doors, until we got to our bedroom. Darry got Pony situated under the covers and then he left the room. I crawled onto the other side of the bed, trying to proved comfort to my very ill brother.

He started coughing. It was one of those deep lung, wet coughs so I helped him sit up and kind of awkwardly patted his back until he could catch his breath. Afterwards he collasped against me, whispering, "Soda I feel awful. Please make it stop hurting"

"What hurts honey?" He was shivering so i helped him back under the covers while he explained.

"Everything. My throat is sore, my chest feels like its on fire and I threw up earlier. I can't see straight when I open my eyes and I'm dizzy even while laying down"

I was worried. Pony was worse than I thought. I mentally kicked myself for not realizing it sooner. I should have known something was wrong this morning.


I ran around the house collecting everything I needed to care for Pony. I grabbed the thermeter, medecine, some juice and a wet cloth. I was worried beyound words. This was the first time Pony was sick since our parents died. The nurse had told me his fever was getting boderline dangerous and we should do everyting we can to make it come down or else he would have to go to the hospital. I wanted to avoid the hospital at all costs. I knew it would be far too expensive for us to aford, but if it meant helping Pony I would do it in a heart beat. I was just scared that Soda and Pony would be taken away from me. I didn't want social services to get involved.  

I went back into Soda and Pony's room where they were cuddled together on the bed. Sometimes i envied their relationship.

I went and knelt next to the bed.

"Hey Pony, can you sit up? I have some stuff to make you feel better."

Ponyboy struggled to sit up, so Soda helped him lean against him. I sat on the edge of the bed and stuck the thermometer in his mouth, waiting a few minute before pulling it would. The numbers were climbing toward 104 which only caused my worry to increase.  

"We need to get this medecine into him and then get his temp down" I said to Soda. I took out the liquid medecine (I was way to scared that Pony would be unable to swallow pills in his state). I poured some onto a spoon and tried to get Pony to take it, but he just kept move his head away, and burrying it into Soda's chest. 

"C'mon baby, please take it. It'll make you feel better" But he just shook his head. God I swear that kid is five going on six, not thirteen going on fourteen. 

"Here Darry, help him sit up, I've got this" Soda said. We switched position and I handed Soda the medecine. Soda knelt next to Pony and ran his hand through his hair.

"Pony, baby, I need you to take this okay? It's going to make the pain going away and it will help you sleep" Soda said in the gentless voice possible. Pony tentatively opened his mouth and soda spoon fed our weak brother with the medecine. Pony swallowed the foul tasting liquid and Soda gave him a hug.

"There you go, that wasn't so bad, was it?"

"Tastes like shit" He mumbled.

I reached around him and grabbed the juice that i had set on the bedside table. "Here, drink this. It'll give you strength and take away the taste"

Pony took a few sips before turning his head away. "It's right here if you want more" I whispered with my lips pressed against his forehead. 

Soda took the damp wash cloth and pressed it to Pony's head and cheeck, trying to cool him off. Pony drifted off to sleep soon after.

WOO I updated!! I'm quite proud of this chapter. I hope it's not shit...

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