Chapter 10

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Soda POV

When I woke up next it was dark out and I was drenched in sweat. At first I thought Darry must have turned the heat up and Pony's fever was heating me up, but then I realized that the sweat wasn't coming from me, but it was coming from Pony. His cheeks weren't as red as they had been when we fell asleep and despite the paleness in his face, he appeared slightly healthier. 

I was not as lucky. Between the soaked sheets and the front of my t-shirt that was sticking to me, I was beginning to feel cold. In fact I was shivering. I needed to change my shirt.

I slid out of bed, making sure not to disturb Pony too much and walked on shaky legs to a pile of shirts on the floor. I was much to tired to care if it was a clean pile or a dirty pile. I ended up pulling a shirt out that belonged to Pony and slid it on over my head. I then pulled on a hoodie because I couldn't stop shaking. I would have gladly crawled back into bed and collapsed into sleep for the next year, but my mouth was insanely dry and I knew it would only get worse.

I crept out of our room and into the kitchen to get a glass of water. Just as I was filling it up in the sink, I heard a voice from the living room. "How's the kid?" I jumped and nearly dropped the glass in my hand. I poked my head into the other room where Darry was watching tv.  

"His fever broke, that's what woke me up. He's drenched in his own sweat, but he actually looks like he's getting some rest, so I didn't want to wake him" My voice sounded oddly muffled. I felt like my ears had giant cotton balls lodged in them.

Darry nodded, but he kept staring at me.

"Quit lookin' at me like that" I mumbled irritably, taking a sip of my water to have something to do. I winced as the water hit my throat. It felt like sandpaper sliding down my esophagus.

"It's just..." Darry began tentatively, "Are you feeling okay pespi-cola?" he said softly.

I just shrugged my shoulders as I slid onto the couch next to him. Standing for so long was making me feel dizzy.

"you're face is awfully red and you've been asleep most of the day" When he said this I glanced around the room and saw that it was already after nine at night. 

"Well I told ya, Pony's fever broke and he was sweating so I got really hot and woke up, and what do ya expect? We were both up all night" I said, trying to convince him. 

Darry looked at my skeptically and then before I knew it, there was a cool hand pressed up against my boiling head. At that point I gave up all attempts of pretending to be okay and succumbed to how terrible I actually felt. I sighed at his touch, immediately blowing my cover. 

When he pulled his hand away a shiver wracked my body, causing my teeth to chatter slightly. "You belong in bed kiddo" Darry said, trying to keep the situation light. I could tell he was worried though. This was the first time any of us got sick since---since the accident and he clearly was at a loss of what to do.

I shook my head nonetheless. It was even colder in  bed than it was out here. Darry seemed to understand this without me having to say it.

 "I'll get Pony up and have him take a shower and while he's in there I'll change the sheets on the bed okay buddy?" He offered. I slowly nodded, more so because my head was starting to hurt slightly.


Despite the fact that I should have known Soda was going to get sick too, it still struck me hard. It sounded like Pony was doing a little better, but the thought of both of them being so sick really worried me. I mean they not only shared a room, but they shared a bed too. Whenever one of them got sick, so did the other shortly after. 

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