Chapter 2

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Ponyboy's POV

The walk to school was painful…

I really thought I was going to make it through the day, but by the time we were walking through the front of the school, my stomach was in knots. Luckily, none of the other guys noticed and I managed to slip away from them and practically sprint into the bathroom.

I crashed to my knees in the first stall. The rest of the bathroom was empty and I was silently praying it stayed that way. I hovered above the toilet, clutching my stomach, waiting for something to happen, but eventually, the nausea passed, and I climbed shakily to my feet.

I splashed a little water on my face and did a take back when I saw my reflection. However terrible I looked this morning, it was much worse now. I was really hoping I had told Soda I wasn’t feeling well when I had the chance, but I was stuck here now and mine as well tough it out.

I rushed to my homeroom and barely made it on time.

I was doing ok, suffering in silence, until half way through my first period class. It was math class and my teacher was rolled on in his monotonous tone about some uninteresting equation or other. I, as I usually did during math, was day dreaming about the number of things I would rather be doing, and in this case, today, I wanted to be in bed, asleep.

My longing was interrupted with the all too nauseous sick feeling returning to my stomach. It was worse than it had been earlier.

I quickly asked if I could go to the bathroom and once again sprinted into the first stall. This time I retched harshly and my vomit discolored the once clean water. I heaved twice more before collapsing against the stall door, whipping my mouth and drying my tears with a piece of toilet paper. (ok I know it’s not tough to be crying but why don’t you try puking your guts out in a dirty school bathroom with no one there to even ask if you’re ok ((and by the way I am NOT ok))).

I dragged myself to my feet, fighting the urge to black out and slowly made my way back to math class, slumping into my chair.

Later in the day, during third period, English, I was doing everything I could to stay awake. I guess I didn’t do a very good job because the next thing I knew, the class room was empty and Mr. Syme was shaking me awake.

“Ponyboy, get up.” I could tell he was pissed off, I mean what teacher wouldn’t be? I opened my eyes and he was glaring at me. “I can’t believe you would-!” he started to yell, but just then I coughed harshly, which reminded me of how much my throat was hurting.

“I’m sorry Mr. Syme it won’t happen again” I said rushing to grab my things, but when I stood up I got hit by a wave of dizziness. I gripped the desk and my head, trying to blink away the black dots.

I suddenly felt Mr. Syme’s hand on my shoulder. “I think you should go to the nurse Ponyboy. Your brother can come pick you up"

"No, I can't go home" Darry would have killed me for not telling him I was sick. My case was futile because just then I fell into another coughing fit, having difficulty catching my breath, and only proving Mr. Syme right.

"C'mon, let's go" Mr. Syme said, not taking no for an answer. I finally realized that I had to give in.

I let him walk me to the nurse and once inside, I greatefully collapsed on the bed.


Darry's POV

I was halfway up the ladder, two bundles of roofing in my hands when my boss yelled up to me. "Curtis, phone call."

Who the hell would be calling me at work right now? I thought to myself. "Just a second, let me get these bundles up.

"I think it's important. It's the school. Your kid brother's sick. I wouldn't call you down if it wasn't important.

My heart almost stopped. I imeadeatly retreated down the ladder, mentally cursing myself for not noticing something was wrong with him. I get so worried when Ponyboy gets sick. With him it's never just a bug or a cold, it's always so much more. He's rarely sick,  but when he is, it's always bad.


Ponyboy POV

"Ok hun, I need you to sit up for one minute"

I mentally groaned (I would never actually show weakness in front of a teacher and school nurse no matter how sick I was) and sat up. She slid the cold tip of the thermometer past my lips and I waited for it to be done. She took it out a few minutes later clicking her tongue at the results. 

"It's just over 103 hun. Your brother will be here soon. I cringed everytime she said hun. My mom always called me that when I was younger and hearing it now only increased my daily nostalgia.


Darry's POV

I walked over to my boss quickly and before I even tried to explain myself, he gestured toward my car. "Family's important. Go get your brother, we'll be able to finish up here."

I smiled, glad he was able to understand. I hoped in my truck and headed straight for the DX. It was complicated, I had to bring Soda with me because Ponyboy would never cooperate with me and I did not want to make a scene in the middle of the school.


Soda's POV

I saw Darry's truck pull up in front of the DX and I ran up to him just as he was climbing out. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, fear icing my veins. The last time Darry's truck interrupted the work day, my parents were dead so I had every right to be worried.

"Pony's sick. we gotta go get him." 

I swore. 

"What's wrong?" 

"I knew something  was off with him this morning" I was pissed I didn't say anything to Darry. Now our little brother was who knows how sick. 

I ran back to my boss, dropping my rag on the table. "My kid brother, he's sick."

"you can go, it's been a slow day."

"Thank you so much" I said, sprinting back to Darry, he hopped back in the truck and we drove to the school.


A/N wow that was so much longer than i planned....I hope it doesn't suck too much and I didn't edit it so sorry for any mistakes. Sorry if it got confusing with the character change, I just want to show how all the brother's feel about each other. I promise that more of the gang will be in it later.

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