Chapter 12

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When I woke up, the house was quiet and Soda was still sleeping. I really needed to use the bathroom, but the thought of moving seemed a little more difficult than what was neccessary. I rolled over to face Soda and I was hit with guilt once more. His normally handsome complexions were paled. The shadow of smile that always lingered around his lips was simply nonexistant and dark circles imprinted his eyes.

The overwhelming sense of guilt motivated me to get up to usethe bathroom. I walked on shakey legs down the hall. A quick glance at the clock made me realize how long I slept. It was nearing 2pm which meant the guys would be home from school soon. Everyone usually came by our house after school until Darry came home and kicked them out so I could do my homework. I was hoping they would do the same today. I was depserate to have some human contact.

Once I finished up, I moved at an even slower pace to the kitchen. I was feeling slightly out of breath and weaker as I moved. I grabbed a glass of water and sat at the table, dreading going back into my room, but simultaneously knowing Soda needed looking after. I then even started to feel guilty that I slept all day instead of taking care of him. All of this over thinking was really getting to me.

I forced myself to finish my glass before grabbing another for Soda. I knew I had to reasses his condition so I entered our room to wake him.

"Hey Soda, can you wake up for me" I gently shook his shoulder.

He groaned, but I his eyes fluttered open, glassy and dull. "What time is it?" I nearly winced at how rough his voice sounded.

"Its just after 2. Here, can you drink this water for me? I'll be back in a minute." I went back to the bathroom, grabbing everything I thought Soda might need and returning as quickly as possible.

I handed him the thermometer first while I got the correct dosage of medicine ready. After a few minutes we traded. His fever was around 102, which didn't make me feel any better.

Once he was settled back under the covers, medicine and water consumed, I took a cool wash cloth and placed it over his forehead. I remembered my mom used to always do that for us and I wanted to comfort Soda. I went to ask if he needed anything else, but he was already asleep, slightly snoring.

With nothing better to do, I sat on the couch, watching mindless television. I was rarely ever in charge of what was playing so I was at a loss of what show to watch.

Finally, at about 2:45 I heard the gang coming up to our porch. Two-bit was being loud as always and nothing made me happier. The front door swung open.

"Oi, the kids alive" Two-bit yelled, running over and pinning me against the couch.

"Don't let the door slam" I chocked from my place of limitted air. Luckily Johnny was the last one to come in and he listened to me, catching the door and slowly letting it close.

"Sooo" Two-bit drawled on. "You done playing hookey, or do you plan on landing in the hospital again to miss a few more days of school?"

I just grinned. Deep down I knew this was Two-bits way of saying he was worried about me.

Steve sat down quietly next to me and Johnny took a spot on the floor. Two-bit was still half on top of me, but he was no longer choking the life out of my lungs. I could tell something was bothering Steve by how quiet he was.

I finally looked over at him. "How is he?"

"Uh, he's ok. Still a high fever, but not as bad as I was. He's sleeping right now. You can go see him."

Steve nodded and got up to check on Soda. After a moment Two-bit followed. Johnny and I were alone and it was the first time since I passed out. He was eyeing me kinda funny.

"Gosh Pony, you gave me a scare."

"I know, I'm sorry." I looked down. There it was, the guilt I felt before in full blown force. Everyone was mad at me. If it wasn't Johnny, I probably would have been yelled at.

"You ain't gotta be sorry. I'm just glad you're okay." Johnny said softly, not making eye contact with me.

It was silent for a while. I knew he was just trying to make me feel better, but it wasn't working. I was a burden for the whole gang.

Johnny broke the silence. "I have your school work from the last few days. I mean your teachers just said to take your time, but I figured you'd want to start it"

I grinned at him. "Thanks Johnnycake, I'll probably start today. I'm bored out of my mind"

And with that Johnny gave me a slight smile back.

A/N sorry it's so short. I figured short update is better than no update.

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