Chapter 5

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I rushed home as fast as I could. The guy at the checkout decided to start a very long, boring and time wasting conversation and I didn't have the heart to stop him. The store was dead, it was near closing actually, and he probably hadn't had many customers. I patiently sat through his story and then sprinted to the truck. When I was home, I ran up the steps and almost burst through the door at full speed, but slowed down just before the door slam shut so that I wouldn't wake Pony if he was sleeping.

A figure sat up on the couch, but I couldn't see who it was in the dark, nor did I take the time to find out. I hurried into my room just to see both Darry and Pony curled up together on the bed. Pony's pale face stuck out in stark comparison to Darry's healthier complexions and I could see a light sheen on sweat on his forehead.

A sudden tap on my shoulder brought me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Steve standing there. He must have been the one on the couch.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Pony's sick" I said, gnawing on my lower lip. I was currently debating on whether I should wake him up to get more medicine in him or just let him get his much needed rest.

"Is he okay?" Steve asked, showing much more concern than he would if Pony was awake to hear him. He usually put on a tough guys façade in front of Pony, but I knew he did care for a look out for the kid the same as the rest of us.

"He'll be okay, Darry and I just don't know what to do. It's probably some 24 hour bug or something, but we can't help but worry. We're....We're just not experienced." I had to stop there. I could feel my throat getting tight. It happened whenever I thought of my parents. I didn't have to say what was wrong. Steve understood without me having to explain.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"For tonight, no, you can just go back to sleep or something. We'll see how he is in the morning."

Steve left the room at the same time Darry started to stir. "Oh, Soda, you're back" He said still slightly groggy.

"Yeah, I got everything you said. How's he doing?"

"His fever is going nowhere but up and he got sick again while you were gone"

My heart broke at the thought of that. Pony got sick and I wasn't there to comfort him. I swallowed thickly. "Should we wake him up?"

"Probably, He'll just get worse if we don't get more medicine in him. You can wake him up, I'm going to find the thermometer" Darry gently slid out from behind Pony and I crouched down next to the bed.

I carded my hand through his hair. "Hey Pony," I whispered.

He moaned and tried to turn away from me.

"Ponyboy, I need you to wake up for me"

"Mom?" Pony asked, still facing the other way. I felt my throat get that feeling again. I pushed it down, but the lingering pain weighed heavily on my chest.

"No, baby, It's me, Soda. Please turn around"

Pony rolled himself over. He opened his eyes, but they were glassy and bloodshot. He seemed to be having a hard time focusing on me. Just then Darry walked in the room too.

"Can you sit up Pony?"

Pony shook his head. "Too dizzy" he mumbled.

"Soda?" Darry looked to me, but I was a step ahead of him. I got behind Pony on our bed and put my arm around him, trying to pull him up.

Darry first stuck the thermometer in his mouth and we waited a minute. When he pulled it out he clucked his tongue, a nervous habit of his. He then handed me the thermometer. His fever was still right around 103, but it wasn't any better than before either.

Darry got ready to administer the medicine and I held onto Pony a little tighter. I knew he hated liquid medicine and he would probably put up a fight, but he accepted the spoon and swallowed it all before slumping against me.

I helped him lay back down, but he began to whimper.

"What hurts?" I asked softly, running my hand up and down his back.

"My stomach" he said, trying to curl into a tighter ball. I laid down behind him and snaked my hand around to his front and placed my hand on his stomach, trying to provide some comfort.

"You guys should get some sleep" Darry said, leaving the room.

Ponyboy was out within minutes, but I was having a hard time sleeping. Worry was keeping me awake.



Sunlight streaming through the windows is what woke me up. My neck was stiff because I had fallen asleep in the arm chair. After I left Pony and Soda's room, I went to the kitchen to put some stuff away and I realized Steve was on our couch. We talked for a while before I must have fallen asleep. Noises were coming from the kitchen so I got up.

Soda, Steve and Two-bit where sitting at the table. I didn't see Pony so I assumed he was still asleep. Soda had out the chocolate cake and Two-bit already had a beer even though it was barely past 8 am.

I went right over to Soda. "How's he doing?" I asked, while helping myself to a piece of cake.

"He slept through the night, but he seems to be the same."

I was about to say more, but just then a very sickly look Ponyboy appeared in the door way, wrapped in his comforter. He slid into the last vacant chair at the table and placed his head down.

"You hungry Ponyboy?" Soda asked. Pony shook his head.

A/N okkk so I'm going to end this here because I'm kind of stuck...I know I said the rest of the gang would be in it so I'm trying to do that, but I don't know where to go next....does anyone have any suggestions??? I'd be so glad because that would help me write more.

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