Chapter 9

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A/N I'm so sorry for going MIA on you guys, but here's another update.

Soda pov

Johnny got back with some breakfast sandwhiched from a deli across the street about 15 minutes later. I figured I should have been hungry, but for some reason the thought of food made my stomach clench.

Either way, I did not want anyone questioning me so I picked the bacon off of my sandwich, thinking that the grease would only make me more neasuas and I tried to eat the toast and egg. About halfway through though, my stomach gave a painful lurch and I decided not to push it any farther. I quickly wrapped up the leftovers and tossed it away before anyone could notice I had barely eaten.

"Darry" I managed in a steady voice, "I'm gonna go find the john" and I made my way as calmy out of the room as I could manage. The second I was out of sight from our room, I sprinted to the bathroom at the end of the hall and dropped to my knees. I gagged over the bowl two or three times, but nothing came up. My stomach was flipping in knots now and I was seriously regretting eating anything.

I leaned up against the stall door. I didn't have the energy to move and I knew I still had to throw up. It was one of those situations where I felt like it was just something I had to get out of my system.

I sat there, deeply breathing for a few moments before my stomach jumped again. I rushed over the bowl just as my back arched and my small amount of breakfast reapeared, dirtying the water.

Tears sprung to my eyes as I continued gagging.

When I finally finished I sat back, feeling weak and shakey. It was not at all as I had hoped. Before it had been a headache and a stomacheache, but I knew I was just getting sick. I mentally cursed knowing that this could not be good.

I managed to drag myself to my feet and walked over to the sink. I rinsed my mouth of the foul taste then ran my hair through the water, letting it cool off my burning skin. I knew I had to get back to by the room soon before Darry started to worry.

When I got back, pony was awake and there was a nurse in the room.


Soda was gone for a while and just when I was about to get up and look for him, he came back. He was still looking pale, but I was attributing that to lack of sleep.

The nurse handed Pony a few crackers then turned to me "while he eats these, can you come with us to a conference room? We just need to clear a few things up before we can release Ponyboy"

I bit the inside of my cheek and followed the burse outside. I turned to Soda just before I left. "Watch over him, okay? Come find me if he needs anything"

The nurse led me to the elevator and down another hall into a cramped room with a desk too big for the space. 

"Mr. Curtis, I'm Mrs. Thomas. I just have a few questions, we are just doing this to make sure your brothers are in the best care. Please copperate and make this easy for both of us" I shook her hand and did my best to give a sincere smile. I knew that if I wanted to get Pony out of here and into his own bed then I'd have to be as sweet as I could. I really was wishing I had Soda with me now so I could use his smooth tongue.

"What do you do for a living?"

"I work on a construction sight, roofing houses"

And the first handful of questions concerned our daily life. I explained what Soda and I did and how Pony got good grades and what happened to our parents.

Then she asked about how Pony got sick and how he came home from school

"Well" I started after she asked why he was home alone "he was feeling much better Saturday morning so Soda and I went to work, and we had our neighbor, Johnny, the dark haired boy upstairs, come over just to keep an eye on him. He's sixteen. I guess he got a lot worse and passed out. If johnny hadn't been there who knows when we would have found him"

When I finished explaining Mrs Thomas just smiled at me, thanked me for my time and told me I was all set to take Pony home. They had no more questions.  I sighed in relief.


Darry filled me in on the meeting with child services on the car ride. I did my best to pay attention to the details, but I was focusing on not getting sick again. The motion of the car was making my stomach churn again.

The moment we were home, I helped Pony into our room. He laid down first and I laid next to him, throwing my arm around his shoulder. We both drifted off to sleep.


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