Chapter 6

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A/N ok this took a little longer than I intended, but here you go, I hope you like it, the idea was from OutsidersSunset.


"Oh man, I'm gonna be late" Darry said jumping up all of the sudden and running to his room.

"Where you gotta be superman?" two-bit asked. I could hear Darry yelling from the other room.

"What?" Soda asked. 

"I said I'm going into work because I left early yesterday. I'll make some extra dough."

"But it's your only day off...." I croaked, feeling very guilty about this whole situation. 

I think Darry sensed how I was feeling because the next thing he said was "Don't worry kid, I planned to go in all week."

yeah...sure...I thought, but I didn't bother to argue. To be honest I was feeling kind of dizzy now and I really just wanted to be back in my bed.

Just as Darry was walking out the door, Johnny and Dally walked in. Darry turned around. "Sodapop, make sure he gets plenty of rest today. Don't you guys be too loud or anything."

I mentally groaned. Why did he have to ask Soda to baby me?

Johnny took the last chair next to me when Darry left.

"I was wondering where you went yesterday" He said quietly so the other guys couldn't hear him, not that they were paying much attention. Dally had pulled a pack of cards from his pocket when he showed up and Two-bit was already placing bets. I swear that guy has no sense of what time it is.

"I know, I'm sorry. I was feeling pretty lousy"

"You look pretty lousy" I guess I would have been offended if I cared at the moment.

Just then Soda managed to tear himself from his game and come over to me. Then...he did the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to me. He placed his lips on my forehead and left them there for an unnecessary amount of time. I wanted to crawl under my chair and never come out again. I mean it wouldn't have bothered me much if it was just Johnny, but Two-bit Dally and Steve were all just staring at me. I swear to god my face had never been redder.

"still got a pretty high fever, I'm going to get some medicine"

"Well, I didn't know Soda could be such a mother-hen". Two-bit made a lame attempt at a joke, but I took the bait anyways.

"There's a lot of things about Soda you don't know"

Two-bit had opened his mouth to reply, but he didn't get the chance because Soda returned with the medicine and his DX shirt unbuttoned. Right...I forgot he had work today too. Soda and Darry usually split the weekend. Soda works Saturday and Darry works Sunday and that way someones always home with me on the weekend. It was Darry's idea, and probably just because he didn't think I could handle being home alone. 

He handed me the medicine then bent over "Get some rest, ok Pony? You're getting paler by the minute." I was glad he did that quietly at least so only Johnny could hear him.

"Okay Steve, Let's go, It's almost 9" Steve stood up, collecting his earnings from the card game and walked off with Soda. 

"So what do you two ladies want to do today?" Dally asked, dragging on a cigarette. 

Johnny shrugged and I just didn't answer. I figured it was implied that I didn't feel like doing much. Just sitting up was leaving me feel drained.

"Let's get outta here" Two-bit said jumping up. There's tons of stuff do to on a Saturday morning. Two-bit was barely done speaking before he was out the door.

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