Chapter 7

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Johnny's POV

The ambulance came within ten minutes and there were a bunch of people rushing around Pony. They started to stick some needles in his arm and then the lifted him onto this white bed that rolled around before shoving him into the ambulance.

"We need to take him to the hospital right now. His fever's spiking and we need to get him cooled off right away. Can you ride with us, we need to ask you some questions" A lady asked me quickly.

I nodded despite the fact that I was absolutely terrified to ride with someone I didn't know. we hurried to climb into the back of the truck before the lights started blaring and we rushed to the hospital. I turned to the woman in front of me while a younger man applied ice packs to Pony's wrists and body.

"How old is he?"

"13...almost 14" I added, remembering his birthday was in two weeks.

"Are you a relative?"

I almost said yes. I mean the Curtis's were the closest thing I had ever had to family, but I knew my complexions were far too different than Pony's for anyone to but it. I took the safest route out and just shook my head.

"How long has he been feeling sick?" She asked me, holding a clip board and paper. 

"Uh," I tried to wrack my brains. He didn't walk home from school with us yesterday. "since yesterday morning" I decided. That was the last time I saw him and he was acting a bit funny at the time.

"Has he been vomiting or having dizzy spells?" 

"Yeah, both" I said, remember the recent scene.

"When was the last time he ate or drank anything?"

"I don't know when he last ate, but I think he might have drunken this morning..." I wasn't sure. I could feel a cold sweat running down my neck. I was beginning to panic. Now that I was sitting down the severity of the situation was dawning on me.

She nodded and added a few more notes to her list. The younger boy now looked off and rattled some numbers off to her. The only one I recognized was his fever. 105.3....My stomach dropped. How could I have let his fever get so high. It was all my fault Pony was lying here unconscious. I should have been looking after him better.

The lady looked at me again and I think she could sense my uneasiness.

"Don't worry, I suspect he just has a nasty case of the flu and he's a bit dehydrated. He will probably only have to spend a night or two in the hospital before he can return home."

Her words helped me relax a little, but I was still worrying about what Darry and Soda would say to me when they found out. They were going to kill me.

The rest of the ride was in silence. It would have been kind of cool to be honest if I wasn't so scared. I had never driven in an ambulance before and it was almost thrilling...almost.

When we got to the hospital, Pony was rushed down the hall and out of sight. They said I couldn't see him just yet.  

I paced around the waiting room for a while. I finally glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost 5 o'clock. CRAP! Soda was going to be home at 5 and Darry wouldn't be too much after. I sprinted out of the hospital realizing that I hadn't called or left a note or anything at the Curtis's house. They were going to come home and find the house empty. If I wasn't dead before, I certainly was now. I hoped on the bus and rode the 15 minutes it took to get across town with all the worst possible situations running through my head.


I walked in the house after a long day of work, but it seemed strangely quiet. The T.V. was on and so were most of the lights, but it didn't seem like anyone was using them. I was starting to feel really irritated. Someone had just left them on and now they were racking up our electricity bill.

I walked into my room, hoping to find Pony sleeping or something, but he wasn't there. I checked in the bathroom just to make sure he wasn't there either. After double checking every room in the house and still no Ponyboy, I could feel the panic begin to rise in my chest. All I could imagine was that my little brother left the house delirious and sick and someone had jumped him and now he was lying in an alley hurt...or worse.

I started to pace and gnaw on my finger nails at the same time. My heart was racing. Ponyboy's gone. I continued to repeat this terrifying fact in my head until I felt like I couldn't suck in air. I leaned up against the wall closest to the front door to try and catch my breath. I was trying to get out the door to go look for Pony, but my limbs weren't moving. Every inch of my body was shaking. There was pain spreading from the center of my body and outwards. My knees grew weak as I slid down the wall. I could feel the edges of my eye sight growing blurry.

Just then the door opened and I felt strong arms on my shoulders.


I walked in the house and found a sight I was not expecting to encounter. Soda was slumped over on the floor hyperventilating. His breath was hitching in his throat as silent tears ran down his face. I bent down and helped him sit up right. His eyes weren't focusing on me though. I don't even know if he knew I was there.

"Soda, take deep breaths. You're okay"

Slowly his eyes began to focus on my face and his breathing slowed. He was still shaking uncontrollably as tears streamed down his face, but at least now he was breathing more normally. He leaned into my embrace as sobs wracked his body.

"Pepsi-cola, tell me what's the matter?" I was trying to stay calm for him. If I let any of the worry I felt seep into my voice I could set Soda off all over again. He's always suffered from Panic attacks, but when he was younger they were few and far between. My mother was an expert at getting him to calm down before he got too bad. However, his attacks were getting worse ever since their death. He couldn't seem to control himself as much. Pony and I were the only ones in the gang who knew about them, but even Pony was slightly oblivious. He had no idea how often his big brother had been suffering lately.

Soda was finally able to speak and when he did, he confirmed my worst fears. "Pony's missin...I can't find 'im" Soda choked out. His heart was still racing at an abnormally fast pace.

I could feel the panic begin to rise in my own chest, but I kept it at bay for the sake of Soda. "It's okay, we'll just go find him. He was probably feeling better and he and the rest of the gang went out. Don't worry, he's not alone."

My assurance seemed to ease Soda's worry a little. I stood up to leave right when the door opened and Johnny rushed in.

Before Soda or I had a chance to ask what was the matter, Johnny started rambling on.

"He fell, and his fever was wicked high and I tried to catch him. But he fell and He's really sick. The ambulance took him now, but they won't let me see him. They said it's the flu and dehydration"

"Johnny, calm down, please explain to me what happened" The fear now had control over my voice and Soda was looking like he was about to black out now. "Soda, go wait for me in the truck"

I couldn't have him freaking out on me again.

Johnny caught his breath then tried to explain. "We need to go to the hospital. Ponyboy passed out and I had no choice but to call an ambulance and that's where he is now."

I grabbed my keys and headed for the car. Johnny explained the whole story on our way to the hospital. Luckily Soda managed to stay calm throughout the whole drive.

When we got to the hospital we were forced to continue waiting for Pony to come out.

A/N BAM! I updated. woo, that was a pretty fast turn around for me

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