chapter 4

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A/N I'm sorry I dissapeared guys, please don't hate me!! Here's the next part:

Ponyboy's POV

When I woke up, I was hot and every inch of my body was sore. I felt someone behind me, body pressed against my back as hot breath tickled my neck. It was only making me more uncomfortable and nauseous. I assumed it was Soda. I tried to wriggle out of his grasp so I could use the bathroom, but his arm just felt so heavy. Come to think of it, my own arms felt so heavy and I was having the hardest time determining why.

"Soda..." I rasped. Hmm, I must be thirsty too, I thought. My throat was really dry and a little sore. I was about to call out to him again, but I felt him stir next to me.

"Pony?" wait...that didn't sound like Soda. I started to try to turn around so that I could get a better look at who was behind me, but it was beginning to sound like Darry.

"Are you awake?" IT WAS DARRY.


"Shh, don't worry, Soda will be back soon. He just ran out to grab some more medicine."

Medicine?? I blinked a few times as I tried to remember who needed medicine, but a sudden lurch in my stomach reminded me. That's when I realized how out of it I must have been because I didn't even notice how sick I was.

"D-darry--" I choked out as my mouth began to water intensely. I let out a harsh wet sounding cough and Darry caught on with what was about to happen.

He maneuvered me so that I was propped up against him and a bucket was in my lap. I gripped my sides of the bowl for dear life, praying to any and all beings that I would not be sick right then and there. That was the last thing I needed. I just really wish Soda was there because he would know how to help me.

Darry ran his hand up and down my back and through my hair. I started shaking. My stomach hurt so bad but I was too embarrassed to be sick in front of Darry. 

"Ponyboy," he said gently, "Just relax, you're working yourself up."

I shook my head intensely-bad idea. Searing pain shot across my forehead and that certainly did not help my stomach. The pain traveled in waves until I was unable to hold it back any longer. The terrible taste in my mouth was growing worse and it made me gag. I spit into the bucket before my back arched and I emptied the contents of my stomach for the second time that day.

Darry continued his soothing gesture of attempting to comfort me. When I was done, he got up without saying a word and took the bucket from my hands. I curled in on myself trying to find some sort of warmth. My body had dramatically changed temperatures once again and I was now freezing.

Darry came back a minute later with some water. "Pony, can you please take a few sips? I don't want you to get worse"

If I had had any energy, I would have argued with Darry about how he's always trying to tell me how to live my life, but right then, the least I could do was comply.

After Darry was satisfied with how much I drank, I was shaking like a leaf once again. I swear Darry was messing with the heat.

"Are you cold?" He asked, placing a hand on my forehead.

nod. Slow. Painful.

Darry climbed back onto the other side of the bed and pulled me close to him. "Try to sleep."

So I started to drift off listening to the comforting sound of Darry's heart beat.


I couldn't relax at all. It felt like someone had an iron grip around my heart. I was so worried, sitting there, watching my baby brother suffer and there was nothing I could do to ease his pain. I was just hoping Soda would hurry up with that medicine. We needed to get some more into Pony so he couldget better. I pulled him closer to my chest as I willed Soda to hurry.

A/N ok sorry this is so short but I hope it can hold you over til another update. I was just reallyfocusing the relationship between Pony and Darry and how warped Pony's perception is. I hope you like it.

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