Chapter 1

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Ponyboy's POV

I woke up much earlier than normal. Actually, it was still night, barely past 12. I was shaking and sweating and there was a distinct, familiar feeling of fear in the pit of my stomach. I knew I'd had another nightmare and this was the post stress feeling from it. I lay there, shaking, on the verge of tears trying to remember why I was so scared and what had happened in my dream. Alas, I could think of nothing as per usual, so I just wiggled my way under Soda's arm, trying not to wake him up.

"You ok Pony?" I heard him mumble.

I mentally cursed myself for waking him up. I didn't want to have this conversation for fear I would start crying. 

"Yeah, I'm fine Soda, go back to sleep" I was hoping his mind was foggy and he would quickly return to slumber, but it had seemed my luck had run out.

He turned around to face me, the moon shining through the windo illuminated his face. "You're shaking" mumbled, wrapping his arms around me. "Another nightmare?" 

I nodded into his shirt and he didn't say anything for a few moments. I feigned sleep by breathing heavily, hoping it would fool a very sleepy Soda, and it did.

I didn't move again for the rest of the night although I was unusually and uncomfotabley hot. You see, our room tended to be very cold. Darry hated putting on the heat and right now, in fall, it was always cold. I figured that between the heat from Soda and the blankets, I was just a little hot.

After hours of laying in the dark, too fearful of dreaming again, the sun began to rise and Darry was in our room yelling "Time to get up!" 

I could already smell the eggs cooking in the kitchen and the thought of food made me feel slightly naseuas.

Soda rolled over. "You fall back asleep after last night?" Shit...I had hoped he'd forgotten. 

"Yeah" I lied, avoiding eye contact.

Soda seemed content with my answer so he got up and went to the kitchen.

I slowly sat up. My head wasn't feeling too hot. It hurt a lot and my guess was less than two hours of sleep is what caused it. 

I padded into the kitchen, just wearing my t shirt, since I was still so hot. I went straight to the fridge and grabbed some water. I took a few sips, but I couldn't finish. My throat was burning and every swallow made it worse.

"Ponyboy put some pants on, ain't you freezing?" Darry scolded me again. God why was he always on my case?

I would have yelled back at him, but I was too damn weak. I needed to save as much energy as I could just to make it through the day. So instead of arguing with Darry, I went back into my room to put on a pair of jeans...and a sweatshirt since the cold was finally getting to me. 

Instead of heading back to the kitchen, I made my way into the bathroom to grab a handful of aspirin, and despite the pain, a swig of water. 

"You're gonna be late Pony!" Soda yelled from the kitchen.

I quickly bent over the sink to splash some water on my face, trying to return some of the color and hide my pale complextions. By this time, I knew I was sick. I was just hoping that if I managed to get out the door quick enough and with the help of aspirin I would survive the day and be able to rest over the weekend.

I combed some grease into my hair to make it look somewhat presentable.

"Ponyboy! Johnny's here, are you ready to go?" Darry called from the front room.

"I'm coming, I'm coming" I said back, not without pain.

"Did you eat?" Darry asked, handing me my bag. I honestly had forgotten, but the moment Darry brought it up made my stomach lurch. Just the thought of food and sent of eggs lingering made my nausea worse

"Yeah of course!" I lied again. "Who do you think I am?" I passed it off as a joke and quickly rushed out the door.

Johnny, Steve and Two-bit were waiting on my porch. 

"And the princess is ready!" Two-bit said as soon as I stepped out.

A/N Ok I just really love the outsiders and I think there should be more sickfics for it because the whole gang is just adorable and so close and ugg major feels. But here is the first chapter

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