Chapter 15

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It was the sunlight shining on my face that first caused me to shake the sleep from my head and body. The light was faint, but nonetheless growing at every second. As my surroundings took shape around me, I noticed both Soda and Pony still asleep; their pale faces only inches from one another. I spent a moment marveling at their closeness both in physical proximity and emotional connection. Before the accident, they didn't seem to share a bond beyond that of any other siblings, but when tragedy struck them at such a young age they both seemed to cling to the other for survival and comfort. Now, in their weak and sickly forms they appeared to be doing the same. 

I knew first off that I needed to get some food into them. Neither had much of an appetite for days now, but if they were going to start getting better, they needed to build their strength back up. I carefully removed myself from under the covers so as not to disturb their sleeping forms and headed for the kitchen to make something light on sick stomachs.


I felt someone shaking me, but the sleep kept pulling me under. It was more of a gentle pat on the arm followed by a familiar voice. It was calling to me open my eyes and after a few moments I complied. Darry's face swam into view over mine. 

"Hey Pone, I need you to eat something okay? I made you some toast...just try please" he added when I groaned. 

Darry pulled my arms as I shifted into a sitting position. He set the plate in my hands then walked back out of the room. I began to nibble on the corner of the toast, but I winced when the harshness of it passed through my raw throat. I continued eating anyways because I wanted to avoid another row with Darry if possible. I had nearly finished the first slice when he returned with another plate. He set this one down on the nightstand and grabbed the bottle of Aspirin.

"Can you wake up Soda?" Darry asked, shaking a few pills into his hand. I reached over and gently nudged my brother.

"Mmmm?" Was all that came from him.

"Rise and shine Pepsi, time for more meds"

Soda blinked the sleep out of his eyes and slowly propped himself on his elbows. He was still clearly weak. Darry stepped around the side of the bed and stacked a few pillows behind Soda's back so that he was in an upright position.

"Alright little man, eat up then we'll see how you're doing" Darry said gently. He was trying his best to keep the tone playful and light. It was almost disturbing the routine we'd settled into over the past however many days. Darry spent the day mostly caring for Soda and I while we laid here basically immobile. 

Soda took the plate, but didn't even attempt to eat any of it. Instead he swallowed thickly and wrapped a protective arm around his stomach.

"D-darry" His voice faltered. Darry looked up from the table that had all of our medical supplies on it. "I don't want to eat anything."

Darry moved closer to Soda and smoothed his hair back in a way that would make him die of embarrassment in front of the gang. "Why not, honey?"

"I don't want to throw up again, I don't want to be sick anymore" Soda whispered, forcing his voice to steady.

"I know, but you have to eat to get better, please just take a few bites, at least enough so I can give you more medicine. Then you can go right back to sleep so you won't get sick." 

Soda stared at the plate in his lap for a few more moments then lifted half of a slice and took a tentative bite. He overly chewed the small bit of food before forcefully swallowing. 

"There you go" Darry encouraged gently. "Just a few more like that" and he stood back up to continue measuring out our proper doses. 

When I finished and entire slice and Soda choked down a quarter of his, Darry administered more medicine to us. 

Soda's eyes were already drooping again, but I wasn't feeling very tired anymore. I was bored of laying in bed and sleeping all day.

Darry finally turned to me "I have to get going to work, Steve's here though, he slept on the couch last night. I asked him if he could stay and watch over you two. Call me if you need anything." Darry leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead which slightly surprised me. Then he turned and headed out the door for work. Once I heard the screen door close behind him, I pulled myself out of bed. My legs sure did feel shakey, but the dizziness I was experiencing the night before was nonexistent at this point. As I stepped out of the bedroom, I could hear the T.V. playing on low volume in the living room. Taking my time, I eventually reached the source of the sound and sat down on the couch next to Steve. He looked at me then turned his eyes back to the show.

"You look like your in rough shape." He said. I knew what he was really thinking though. If Soda wasn't here I doubt Steve would have even bothered staying around at all. He was probably just thinking of me as Soda's dumb little brother who got him so sick. I decided not to reply.


I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but when I woke up, I felt worse than when I fell asleep earlier. My stomach was flipping in time with the waves of nausea passing over me. I squirmed as I thought about the small amount of toast rolling around. I gagged from the horrible taste in my mouth then jumped out of bed, sprinting for the bathroom. I crashed to my knees, once again paying sacrifice to the porcelain throne as my breakfast reappeared. I threw up twice before the muscles in my throat and stomach clenched around the emptiness inside. I was uncontrollably dry heaving over the soiled water. I felt a hand on my back just as tears sprang to my eyes.


Steve and I sat in silence for a while. Neither of us attempting to make conversation. I was fine with that because I really had nothing to say anyways. After a few daytime episodes finished, the eerie quiet of the house was broken by the unmistakable sounds of someone throwing up. I quickly glanced at Steve and our eyes met for a moment before we both jumped up and ran to help Soda. 

Steve beat me to him, and honestly I was already a bit winded by the time I got there. Steve knelt down behind Soda and placed a soothing hand on his back. "Just take a deep breath" Steve said more gently than I knew he was capable of. Soda complied, forcing his stomach under control as his it tried to rebel despite its obvious emptiness. 

I sat on the edge of the tub, feeling weak and exhausted myself. 

Once Soda was able to take a few healthy sized breaths, Steve pulled him to his feet and steered him in the direction of our bedroom. I went ahead of them to fix the bed covers and help tuck Soda in. He looked miserable and the familiar feeling of guilt tugged in the pit of my stomach once again.

After Soda was comfortably situated again, I felt a pair of firm, rough hands on my shoulder. Steve was standing behind me. "You ain't looking too hot yourself, kid. You should get some rest. Darry'll skin me if you get worse 'cause I let you out of bed all day." Steve's voice had a certain edge to it, I could tell he was worried about Soda. Instead of fighting him on it though, I pulled back the blankets on my side of the bed and took vigil next to Soda. I was going to watch over him to make sure he wasn't alone if he got sick again.

Steve slowly retreated from the room and when he made it to the door he turned toward us once more, "sleep tight y'all, give me a shout if you need anything" he whispered, then pulled the door shut beside him. I wasn't tired yet, but Soda's breathing was already evening out. At least he still looked peaceful and handsome in his sleep, even when battling illness. I lay there, watching my brother and waiting for Darry to return so he could lift this burden off of me. 

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