Chapter 11

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I was actually starving. Darry ended up cooking me a few eggs because at the moment that was all we had. I tried to help him as much as possible, but he refused to let me do any work.

"Darry please, I'll do anything" I begged, desperate to show him I wasn't just a burden on his life.

He turned around and faced me sternly. "Just sit down and drink this" He placed a large glass of water in front of me. "You'll get better faster if you stay hydrated"

A minute later he placed a plate of eggs in front of me. I swallowed nervously, praying he wouldn't be mad that I didn't lift a finger to help.

"Eat up and drink up and then we'll get you back in bed" Was all he said instead. His tone was still fairly light. He turned to do the dishes.

Damnit, I thought, I could at least help him with that. But I knew that at this point he didn't want my help  and I was better off eating a quickly as possible and getting away from him and back in bed. The thought of bed wasn't much better though. Soda was in bed and I was terrified to see him, maybe even more terrified than being with Darry. Soda was going to be so mad at me for getting him sick. All of this was my fault.

"All set with those eggs Ponyboy?"

"Yeah" My voice cracked a bit at the end. Darry eyed me suspiciously, but he had nothing to worry about. My voice didn't crack out of sickness, but more of fear for going back into my room. 

Darry helped me get back into bed as quietly as possible, trying not to disturb Soda. He sat at my desk for a little while. My guess was to make sure I actually fell back asleep. Since when did he ever trust me to do anything right anyways?

I was trying to fall asleep. I promise. But it was just so hot. "Darry, can you turn the heat down? It's so hot in here"

"Uh, the heat isn't on..." Darry trailed off. He stood up and began to cross the room.

"Then can you at least open a window? I feel like i'm boiling."

Darry got to the edge of the bed, shaking his head. "It's too cold outside to have a window open with both of you so sick" Then he placed his hand on my forehead. "You don't feel any warmer than you did earlier and you barely had a fever then"

I couldn't take the insufferable heat so I kicked off the blankets and sighed in instant relief. It was so much better without the heat of  the blankets. Darry's eyes suddenly widened as if a light bulb went off. He reached over me and placed his hand on Soda's forehead and then quickly snatched it back as if it had burnt him.

"What is it?" I aksed before realizing how dumb my question was. Damn, I must be really sick still if it took me until now to realize I was so hot because of the heat soda was radiating.

"We need to wake him up. His skin is bone dry"

I shifted my position and gave Soda's shoulder a gentle shake. "Soda, wake up"

His eyes fluttered open slightly as he looked up at the two of us. He sat up suddenly with a gasp. "What time is it? Am I late for work? Oh damnit my boss is gonna kill me. I already missed so much this week" soda rambled on, trying to scramble out of bed. "Darry where's my DX shirt?" His voice was slowly getting louder. I was scared.

Darry seemed to have everything under control. He supported Soda when he stood up so he wouldn't keel over on the spot and managed to get him to listen. "You don't have to go to work today, but I want you to take a shower okay?"

Soda seemed to come out of his initial shock and he nodded along with Darry. As the made to leave our room I sat up to come.

"Ponyboy you need to stay here and rest" I sighed as I fell back to the pillows. Once again, Darry rules my life.


And here we are again. I thought miserably as Soda sat on the lid of the toilet for the second time in the last hour. I was worried, I don't know if I had ever seen Soda so sick in his whole life. His skin was pastey white, but his cheeks had a deep flush to them. His eyes were red, glassy and slightly unfocused, but he was responding to everything I said quite clearly.

I retook his temperature and saw that it had gone up ever so slightly, but this caused me great concern. I had given him some fever reducers and they should have kicked in by now. This meant that his fever was just burning through the medicine. I'm all for letting a fever run its course, but it can also get dangerous and the only way for me to get Soda and Pony to sleep tonight would be if I could cool Soda down.

I ran the temped water while Soda undressed. He didn't ask my to turn away, but rather clung to my neck like a small child. Even this action increased my anxiety. This behavior was so unlike Soda.

"Ready to get in?" Soda nodded and released his hold on me to step under the stream. The minute the water hit his back, he let out a whimper.

"D-darry it's cold" I winced realizing that what felt room temperature water to me would feel like freezing knives into soda's back.

"I'm sorry little man," I bit my lip. "it'll help your fever"

I saw tears welling in his eyes. "The water isn't even warm" He half sobbed. My heart broke. He must really feel awful to be crying about shower temperature.

"Just one more minute, please. You need to cool off"

I timed one minute then just reached past the curtain and shut the water off. Soda stood there shivering and teary eyed as I handed him a towel.

"There, now that wasn't so bad. Just dry off and I'll get you some warm pajamas"

Not wanting to disturb Pony, I went into my room and grabbed a fresh pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt for Soda and the stopped in the kitchen to grab a glass of water. My biggest fear was one of them getting dehydrated again. I helped Soda get dressed then watched him drink the whole glass of water before I let him go back to bed.

Once I was sure both of my brothers were sleeping comfortably, I retired to my own room and collapsed on the bed, hopeful for a few hours of sleep before I had to go to work.


Too early. Way too early. Was all I could think when my alarm went off. I dragged myself out of bed and dressed quickly before going to make some breakfast. I figured Pony could feed himself, and Sodapop if he was up for eating later that day. I just needed to get to work. Between the days off and the impending hospital bills I knew we were going to have a tough time making ends meet.

To my surprise, and slight anger, Soda was sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of chocolate milk in front of him. He was staring into space with the same fevered eyes as the night before, but he had his DX shirt on.

"Watchya doing?" I asked. I saw him physically jump.

"I'm getting ready for work" He said matter of factly. 

"Oh hell no. You shouldn't leave bed, let alone this house"

"But Darry, you know we gotta get the money" My heart broke again because when I looked at Soda his eyes were tearing up again.

"Baby, don't worry about that right now. We'll be okay. All you need to focus on is your health." Even though I knew this month was going to be tough, I cared more about Soda's health.

"Darry I need to go to work, it's important."

"It's not as important as you fighting off this fever. You're in no condition to work. Period." I started to lecture, knowing that if I was forceful enough Soda would listen. "Plus, the kid isn't going to school today. He needs to rest and you should stay with him" despite the fact that I felt Soda was the one needing looking after, not Pony, I was willing to give Soda purpose.

It seemed to work because he nodded, which was accompanied by a yawn.

"Okay good. Then let's get you back in bed." I led him to his room and once he was settled I finally got ready for work.

A/N okay so this isn't even that good, but I was in the mood to update so here ya go.  

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