Father sickness

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It was the coldest day in winter of England. And my father was trying to do his usual hot soup, to keep us warm. I'm ten years old; my mother died the day I was born, that was what I have been told.

We live in a poor part in England, in small house. I don't go to school, because my father couldn't afford it, although I like to learn how to read and write.

In midnight, while we were sleeping, I heard a coughing noise; the sound was coming from my father's room.

I went towards his room to check; when I entered he was pressing his hand tightly on his chest, and his face turned pale yellow.

I felt scared and confused to what to do; I gave him a cup of water and helped him lay down on his bed. And ran to nearest hospital, which was the government hospital, miles far from here.

I felt cold, wearing a thin cloth and the snow start falling, which made it more difficult to move.

When I was walking, there were two men, who were wearing black suit and black hat, following me for too long.

I was terrified and shivering from coldness, when they became closer I started to run as fast as I could.

But unfortunately I fell on the ground , plunge tumble with big rock, I tried to get up but I couldn't ,my leg was in pain which made me hard to continue.

One of the men grabbed me with his big thick hands, while the other gave me half smile.

"Leave me, let me go" I shouted, trying to take their hand of me.

"What? Let you go "one of the men said laughing

"Come with us we won't hurt you "said the other.

I know from their faces that they were saying the opposite, and I didn't stop screaming so someone can hear me and help.

When they were trying to carry me, I saw a woman closing her curtains, I tried to shout but the man stopped me by putting his hand on my mouth.

"Stop, no one can hear you "said one of the men sternly.

"Just grab her big mouth and let's move "said the other pushing his partner.

While they were about to move, a man showed, carrying a big stick and came toward us.

"Leave the girl or you well regret the day you were born "said the man pointing the stick on them, undaunted.

"Ok, ok" they throw me on the ground, although they were two but they were cowards, and that pleased me.

"Run, brother "said one to the other, I started laughing at them they seem funny.

I felt relief and safe when they left, it was hard time thinking that you might be kidnapped.

"Come in, to get some warmth" said the gentleman kindly." what is your name, dear?" He continued.

"Isabelle "I said.

When we entered the house, his house was beautiful and warm, his wife served me hot chocolate with some delicious cookies.

They seemed amiable, kind people they asked me of the reason, of walking alone in this time.

"My father is sick, and I went to bring help by the nearest hospital "I said and tears running on my cheeks, feeling hopeless.

They looked at me in pity look, and she cuddles me warmly, and said "Don't worry, he is a doctor and he can help your father, have faith dear "pointing at her husband.

"I'll go prepare my equipment, then go to your father immediately" said the gentleman standing up in hurry.

I was blissful, that I found a doctor finally. My feeling was indescribable of joy and happiness.

"Let's move "said the gentleman ready.

He placed the saddle on the horse, we both sat on the horse and I grabbed the gentleman waist tightly, then the horse start running as fast as it could.

"Don't let me; hold me tight, we have to arrive soon for your father sake "the gentleman said nicely.

Quickly we get there; when we entered the house my father was laying on the ground, for a minute I thought that he passed away and left me all alone. Thanks to the doctor, who bought life to my soul by saying that my father was fainted. He helped my father to lie on his bed by holding him.

He checked his heart beat, his pressure and other many checks that he needed to know.

The doctor came towards me and said "he'll be fine he needs these medicines I wrote in the paper and a healthy food to make him strong"

"By the way is your mother here, dear" he asked.

"She's dead" I said sadly.

"I'm sorry "he said .then he left without asking for the bill.

He felt sorry and sympathy of my fortune in life, anyone can feel that if they see us, but I did't like that look, it makes me feel sad.

Sometimes I wish I can be like other people, happy in a warm house with nice food but I think not all wish come true.

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